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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, June 22, 1911 to February 7, 1922, lvc000001-291


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    and is hereby created and that W. E. Ferron be elected Chairman and that the Clerk Harley A. Harmon be elected Clerk of said Health Board. At this time it appearing to the Board that Dr. Roy W. Martin, the newly appointed Health Officer had taken his oath of office as per Ordinance provided. The said physician then presented to the Board the following set of Rales and Regulations governing health conditions in said city: "Rules and Regulations of the Board of Health of City of Las Vegas, Nevada. Rule 1. No prostitute shall be permitted to ply her trade, as such, within the limits of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, until she shall have first secured from the Local Health Officer of the City of Las Vegas, appointed by the Mayor, as by Ordinance pro­vided a certificate to the effect that she is free from a venereal disease of any kind. Rule 2. Each prostitute within the City of Las Vegas, plying her trade as such, shall submit to an examination by said Local Health Officer at least once each week, for the purpose of having determined by said Local Health Officer whether or not she is affected with a venereal disease. Rule 3. Said Local Health Officer shall be entitled to charge and collect from each in­dividual so examined a sum of not to exceed Two Dollars ($2.00) for each examination, which charge shall include the cost of the certificate provided to be given by these rules. Rule 4. Upon submission for examination as by these rales provided, and upon payment of said fee for examination, said Local Health Officer shall, after making such examination issue to each person so examined a certificate in writing, which certificate shall state upon the face thereof whether or not such person, so examined, is or is not affected with a venereal disease or diseases, and the nature of such disease, if any, the name of the per­son examined and the date of such examination. Rule 5. Each prostitute shall at all times keep posted in a conspicuous place in the room occupied by her and used in her trade as such the certificate for the current week, as above provided for, and shall at all times display such certificate to said Local Health Officer or to any peace officer within said City of Las Vegas upon request. Rule 6. No prostitute within the City of Las Vegas shall ply her trade, as such, so long as she shall remain affected with a venereal disease. Rule 7. The examination herein provided for shall be made by or under the direction of such Local Health Officer by the use of approved methods, subject to the control and direct­ion of the Board of Health of the City of Las Vegas; and it is provided that no charge shall be made against the City of Las Vegas or expense incurred on it's behalf in making such examinations without the previous authorization of said Board of Health. Rule 8. These rules shall go into effect immediately and remain in force and effect until modified, altered, amended or repealed by said Board of Health. Rule 9. The rules shall not be construed to legalize prostitution of interfere with or conflict with any existing Ordinance of said City. Bale 10. A violation of these rules by any person affected thereby shall be considered as constituting disorderly conduct. Let a copy of these rules and regulations be posted in each house of prostitution in the Redlight District of the City of Las Vegas. The foregoing Rules and Regulations were adopted by the BOARD OF HEALTH of the City of Las Vegas on Tuesday, May 11, 1920. Roy W. Martin City Health Officer." whereupon motion of Commissioner Pembroke and seconded by Commissioner Martin it was duly ordered and carried that the above rales and regulations be and the same are hereby approved. The vote upon said resolution being as follows: Commissioner Conklin, aye, Commissioner Pembroke aye Commissioner Martin, aye and his Hon. the Mayor, W. E. Ferron, voting aye. Noes none. There being not further business before the Board as a Health Board it was then upon motion being duly made and carried ordered that the Health Board adjourn and that said board meeting as a Board of City Commissioners. The Board then proceeded to take up any matters coming on before it. At this time the Clerk presented to the Board of City Commissioners the application of James German and L. R. Skinner for a gaming license to conduct a gaming house in a building known as the Northern Hotel on Fremont Street in the City of Las Vegas for the quarter ending June 30, 1920, whereupon motion being duly made and carried it was ordered that said application be and the same is hereby approved and that the clerk of this board be and he is hereby ordered and directed to issue a license to the above named parties for said quarter ending June 30 1920. There being no further business before the Board it was ordered that this Board stand adjourned.