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    \ 30.000 to 35,000 acre fe e t a year and that the withdrawal there­from, both measured and unmeasured, ranges from 39,000 to 42.000 acre fe e t a year and that the withdrawal has exceeded the recharge since approxim ately the year 1946. (h ) That your a p p lic an t i s informed and b e lie v e s and th erefo re a lle g e s that the water le v e l in the Las Vegas V a lle y Water Basin has d ec lin e d and i s continuing to d e c lin e . ( i ) That by reason o f the fa c ts above stated the customers o f the a p p lic an t are faced with prospects o f a se rio u s water shortage in the near fu tu re . ( j ) That the p resen tly e x is tin g water supply u t i li z e d b y .a p p lic a n t in fu rn ish in g water to the in h a b ita n ts o f the City o f Las Vegas and the present f a c i l i t i e s o f a p p lic a n t are s u ffic ie n t to supply the reason able consumption o f water, in ­clu din g emergency peak demands, o f i t s present consumers but that the e x is t in g w ater supply i s not and w i l l not be s u ffic ie n t to meet the continuing growth o f the City and the in c re a sin g demands fo r water by the present and p rosp ective customers o f the a p p lic a n t. (k ) That the d r i l l i n g o f a d d itio n a l w e lls by a p p lic ­ant w i l l fu rth e r deplete the e x is t in g water supply and in crease the present o v e rd ra ft on the Las Vegas V a lle y Water Basin. That u n t il the City o f Las Vegas and i t s surround­ing t e r r it o r y secure an a d d itio n a l supply o f water from sources ou tsid e o f the Las Vegas V a lle y Water Basin, the use o f water from that ba sin should be c u rta ile d , and lim ite d to the present customers o f the a p p lic a n t. IV. WHEREFORE, a p p lic an t prays that the P u b lic Service Commission o f the State o f Nevada make i t s Order gran tin g th is a p p lic a t io n and p erm ittin g a p p lic an t to supplement and amend i t s e x is tin g Rules by in clu d in g th erein the Rule hereinabove more s p e c ific a lly set fo rth . -3—