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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    La# Vegas - April 13, SiJS W 23 -1 -7 3 Kr. I, A, White* (oc - Kr* r * L. Adamson ¥?0* 655 authorised construction of water lin e s t© esrve H ock I , Beverly Green T ra c t, L&a Vegas, at estimated ©oat of f 6 ,a o t chargeable to Investment* While work order proposed installation of $00* of 10* oast iron pipe in slier of Slock 1, pipe for which wee to be furnished by Federal homes, t m . § pursuant to understanding reached with Idle Subdivider, wo installed 8* oast iron pips in this Job and the 10* pips was taken into our h*0.H* and Subdividsr allowed credit of $1,760, the agreed upon value of the pipe* Constructed fff t F of 8* oast iron water main in alley* Sleek 1* Beverly croon Tract, from connection with 10* aaln in Oakey HLvd* near Sixth street* Con-etrusted 152 L F of 6* oast iron pipe laterals to serve fire hydrants* Enclosed is Petal! of Chargee to this Work Order amounting to $3,600*65 of which $659.90 is a Donation representing cost of fire hydrant laterals and is not refundable* Ae 8* pipe was used is the work, there will be no Conation of $660 ae indicated in w# 0* 655 representing the difference in value of 10* pipe fumlehed by Subdivider and the 8* pipe installed* The total eoat to the Subdivide pursuant to CA 10572, including 105 for overhead and supervision (except *5>©n the agreed value of 11,76$ for the 10* furnished by the Subdivider) waft 13,786.50 of which •89 represent* tho cost of fire hydrant laterals* not subject to refund, leaving a balance of $185*,?0 to be returned to the Suhdivlders, for which Fora 1$3 is attached* The amount to be refunded fro® water revenue# pursuant to the agreement is #3,278*62* Description of wot* performed Is as follows* Following is data for depreciation purposes* 8* Pips 797* 6* Pips 132* $3,160.55 $3,600.45