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I agree.I 1 lew Topic, Sovember 89th, 1016 Edward Chambers, Viae-President, Santa E® System, Hallway Exchange Building, Chicago, Illinois* Bear 8ir,~ I received yotr valued favor of the 25th relating to the question of erection of citrus fruit pecking houses, which you have understood our company were building or causing to he built on. the lines of our system* This matter we were compelled to take up for the reason that we were getting a very small percentage of the citrus fruit business, which amounted I think last year to about 12^, or one-eighth of the entire 'business, which suggested to us that there was probably no other way by which we could get s reasonable share of the business than to construct branch lines ia the fruit districts* We are now as you probably know building a line fro® Pico to Santa Ana and have had some negotiations with parties concerning the construction of sufficient packing houses* I do not know to what extent this construction has advanced and while I could not undertake to forestall the progress of such construction I would be vary glad to discuss the matter with you at your convenience. It is very evident to the casual observer that your system as well as that of the Southern Pacific have provided your lines ia the fruit districts with sepia packing house facilities to take care of the business,