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    pip© has varied between 20 and 30 pounds on account o f large consunpt ion, resu lting in drying o f wood stavo p ipe, which causes leaks and rapid depreciation* When the pressure is less than 25 pounds, i t is necessary to operate the fir e pucg> as a booster or the softener is without water. Pre-nature d r illin g o f new w ells to supply, by d irect flow, the peak consumption, might resu lt in complication o f water rights as b e n e ficia l use must bo proven covering a reasonable period o f time the amount of water applied for* I have been advised that there are a nusiber o f wells from which water is flowing and going to waste and although 1 do not Know what could bo done to eliminate th is condition, I believe we can a t lea st c a ll the matter to the attention o f State authorities with a view o f securing their oo-operatlon in conserving the subterranean source o f supply by capping those wells* Probably Sr* Bracken should handle this matter* For your consideration, I wish to rocosnend that survey be authorised and estimate prepared for 1928 budget item to cover the follow ­ing f a c i lit ie s * - 1 - Concrete Reservoir, capacity 2,500,000 ga llon s, ou tlet to be located at the end of the 24~inah wood stave pipe lin e approxi­mately 1,800 feet east o f the se ttlin g basin* 1 - Gravel F ilter at intake to reservoir. 1 - 24-in oh oast iron main supply lin e from the proposed reservoir outlet to connect with existin g 16-inoh oast iron pipe lin e in the shop grounds* 1 — E lectrica lly -d riv en Pump to be in sta lled in Well back o f roundhouse, capacity 500 gallons per minute; w ell to be tested p rior to making permanent installation*