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    Or1 He jfcfei 73 3 ¥ O&jru - IVe-U-t - L'<r} Cfc - R.IZ * " LfkrW, Las Vegas - October 4, 1944 W 33-1-33 Mr. Frank Strong: Referring to our telephone conversation yesterday-regarding recommendations of Messrs. Kahler and Adamson for pipe line improvements in the 1945 budget. le have again gone over the recommendations out­lined in their letter September 11th. I did not receive a copy of their report July 35th mentioned therein. Regarding their recommendation #1 covering IS" line from Clark Street to Charleston Boulevard, this line is obviously necessary in order to deliver water to the 13" line which we have recommended for Boulder Addition. It was our thought that the water for Boulder Addition and south part of town, including Huntridge, could be better delivered through a new 16" transmission main from Well #10 down Charleston Boulevard, but inasmuch as this would involve too heavy an; expenditure under present circumstances, as outlined in our discussion, the water for Boulder Addition will have to come from Clark Street main. In this connection I recommend the present 14” bottle neck across Main Street at Clark be eliminated by extending the 16w main from meter to alley between Main and First Streets in order to permit the delivery of water through this proposed new 13" main. Concerning their recommendation #3 for an extension on Stewart Street, I consider this necessary in order to deliver an adequate supply of water to the Army Housing Units. Concerning their recommendation #3 for extension of 13" line on Clark Street, I also'concur on this recommendation with the sincere hope that it will improve water pressures at Tenth and Oakey in Huntridge Subdivision. We think the logical way to improve water pressure at Tenth and Oakey is by extend­ing the line east from Wyoming Street after the 13” main is ihstalled through Boulder Addition, but this can be given con­sideration next year. My present concern is to provide adequate water service particularly to the outlying section from which we have received serious complaints during the last summer when it was found that the booster pumps were inadequate to take care of the job for which they were installed, and I note the Engineer's OCT 6