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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    \ number or name a paht of the service outlet numbers, as “Parkview Block 4 - outlet 7", for example, might be helpful. I recommend that the General Auditor be directed to devise and inaugurate a comprehensive plan to audit the revenues accru­ing to the LVLandWCo. from water sales, also that such revenues be checked on the ground by travelling auditors from time to time. (7) The practice of employing a special uniformed officer during the three hot months at the joint expense of the city and the LVLandWCo. to police waste of water should be continued from year to year. (8) Maintenance of friendly relations with the city officers and leading men of Las Vegas should be made an unvarying rule in order to prevent causes of irritation as far as possible. It has not been definitely ascertained that there has been any failure in this respect, but the subject is deemed of sufficient importance to be mentioned in this report. (9) It should be an established rule to provide extensions of mains to meet demands in all cases where justified by the prospective number of users, as has been our recent practice. Protection against loss is provided in such cases by the company’s rules Nos. 9(a), 9(b) and 9(c) which provide as follows: 9(a) Ordinary extensions of mains or service pipes exceeding 100 feet: The customer or customers shall ad­vance the estimated cost of such extension; the amount paid being subject to refund on the basis of 50$ of the customers’ monthly payments for water, limited to the maximum period of ten years. 3