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    1a . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 going outside this district**??© eay® that that that water is there to serve the Boulder addition and if wore horns© are built in it, and fc# is serving outsider®, ha isn’t going to have enough m i # t to take oar© of the district itself and fee* 11 be up against it. MB., MoIAKSIj That is correct* MB. ffiTHi He isn’t sparty to this but 1 falsi to find out* alnee you practically border on ®&ob other and 1 want ad to find out what h© could do and what kind of a plan could be worked out. MR, MclAMIIs You found that out, MB. BEOKLEYi I called on sir. Baso&rd»ba owas the pip© lints in the Boulder Syndicate and he told me tha whole thing* ^e ©aid they a old thus® lota with tha promise that tee would give them water in their addition* but tee said through some error, unknown to - thess*Ted Farr on was the ag«nb*a«d Isa ran across Fifth Street and at&rted serving in ttee Park a Addition* 1f0: told »a tlay bed no f m n e h im and it was a. mistake when it# went across but it was dots# unknown to them, ME, SEXTO?! In your talk with Mr, ^apa did you m y you wanted a three inch line? A, X told him a on© inch 1ina wouldn’t do my any good as 1 want#! soasstteing for so®# kind of fir® protection m wall m domestic use, I naturally would want eesaetteiag*»o*e protection in case of fir# and the only thing that tee spoke about «%e running, a lin® from the Las Vegas hand and later Company in back of X®11 Houeelle with a 3/4 inch pip© and I said it would taka m® ten minutes to fill a bucket if you run a 3/4 inch pipe three or four hundred feet, the friction would be so great* %* Have y«w operated courts before? A* Ho sir# Q„ Jfew# you any ides how much water each court would use? A, Ho, I couldn't tell you that. Personally, I don’t think our homes and courts use near s§ much water as w® use in watering our lawns and trees* There is lots more water being used in * $ -