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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - February g, 1950 Mr. A. M. Folger: Here is wastage of water taking weir measure­ments, and we know these weirs are not right for production each well *8 we lose some water in these ponds; also water velocity is great going to weir crest. Well No. 1 Well No. 2 Well No. 3 Well No. 4 Well No. 5 Well No. 5 Well No. 6 Well No. 6 Well No. 7 . 7 1035 0. P. M. oO” to weir well. 62,100 gals hour. 1101 G.P.M. __20H 33,030 gal in 30 minutes. 1665 G.P.M. __6o” 99,900 gals 1289 __60“ 77,3^0 gals 24l G.P.M. on flow 4,8220011 gals 65607 G.P «M. on pump “ 397420 gals 240 G.P.M. on flow __ 20u 4,800 gals 928 G.P.M. on pump 20'* 18,560 gals 505 G.P.M. on flow 20" 10,100 gals 633 G.P.M. 20 » I2266O gals Well No on pump