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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - May 20, 1942 Mr* v* ». Jeffers, President, Omaha, Meferaaka. iiaf* sir? Referring to four letter May l?th, file 199, regard­ing physical check fey AnAiting Department of tee Vegae water »er- ?loee. The Meat ef serviees wee nade fey a representative ef tfee Accounting Department and the Assistant Agent free ay office and tfee revised ratee were placed in effect immedla tely oa com­pletion of died May lat, we c h a d tfee town fey enfe-dlvielone thoroughly eaoh spring and fall, and 1 feel leva between 83 and 90% of these addltione were aado clxtot the tremendous mushrooming of tfee town etarted witli tfee beginning of tfee Magnesites Plant laet Movemfeer. In our last sub-dlvis lorn check in December 1941 we plded op 68 houses not previously dawn on our boo he. Since tbs booting situation fees feeeene ee aoute here, practically every block feat one or two small house* sreeted on rear ef let, and elnee the owner usually aahee no apsHeatiem for such new eerviee but simply eenneets it onto tfee eerviee line to front hones,the only way we have of getting these in our accounts is by constantly checking then* Of the additional services picked ny fey tfee April 1942 ehsd, there were 13? cabins, rated at fl»l*50* Sines notifying