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* APPEN DIX A (1) 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 /3 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 until such tim e as the Water D is tr ic t shall in crea se the d e liv e ry ca p acity of the W ater F a c ilitie s , 3 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 gallons per day being the calcu lated p resen t d e liv e ry cap acity of said Water F a c ilitie s , and (2) 13, 750, 0 0 0/ 43, 750, 000 upon and after such tim e as the W ater D is tr ict shall in crea se the d e liv e ry ca p acity of the W ater F a c ilitie s by 1 3 ,7 5 0,00 0 gallons per day. If BM I fo r its own use of p u rp oses shall in cre a se the d e liv e ry ca p a city of the Water F a c ilitie s , the denom inator of said fra ctio n s sh all be in c re a s e d by the num ber of gallons of additional d aily ca p acity so p rov id ed . (b) F o r the p u rp oses of subparagraph (a) above, the actual c o s t of op eration and m aintenance of all p ortion s of the W ater F a c ilitie s re q u ire d fo r the d e liv e ry of water fo r and on beh alf of the W ater D is tr ict shall be d eterm in ed by standard m ethods of accounting, and shall be the sum of the follow in g item s of expense in cu rred by BMI in said op eration and m aintenance: (1) An a m ortization allow ance until A p ril 1, 1968, at the sam e rate as that taken by BMI on all p ro p e rty sold and con veyed to BMI by the agreem ent r e fe r r e d to in P a ra g ra p h 5 h ereof, not to ex ceed 6% per annum of $1, 175, 8 4 0 .0 0 ; (2) A d ep recia tion allow ance fo r any additions or betterm en ts h erea fter m ade and not paid fo r b y the Water D is tr ict, b a sed upon the actual cost th ereof to BMI and p ro ra te d over the p e rio d of the expected usefu l life of said additions and betterm en ts; (3) C ost to BM I of la b or, m a teria ls and equipm ent; (4) A reason able charge rep resen tin g co s t to BMI of gen era l su p erv ision of said la b or; (5) S ocia l secu rity , unem ploym ent in su ra n ce, in d u strial com p en sation in su ran ce, p a y roll taxes or other taxes, and sim ila r ch arges co lle cte d fr o m BMI fo r or on accou n t of any of said la b o re rs or em p loy ees; A - 7