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$77.75 Plumbing Insp.- §679 25 Picenses Bld°* and Elect Inspectors *^c s 2l518!oo Police Fines." $2275.00 §77 75 W S & L $1090.00 Police and Fire 1197.25 General. 2275.00 Upon motion of Commissioner Thomas, seconded by Commissioner Hansell it was moved that a warrant be drawn on the Publicity Fund for the sum of 20.00 to pay for a front page welcoming notice in the Las Vegas Evening Review, and Journal October 4th 1929 issure, welcoming the San Bernardino Chamber of Commerice to Las Vegas. Vote as follows: Commissiners Thomas, Hansell, and Smith, and His Honor the Mayor voting Aye. Hoes none. Upon motion of Commissioner Thomas, seconded by Commissioner Hansell it was moved that the following gaming licenses be issued, all having been approved by the Police, and Fire Commissioner, andmoney covering licenses for same being in the hands of the City Clerk/ Gan ng licenses for the operation of two tables each, and the.sum of ;150.00 being paid to the Clerk the same to cover the license for said tables were issued to the following: Frank Martin . Charles Taylor. Sam Sterns Gilmore and Horden ^ Byown &G$aRders J. Boyer. Leo Kind F S LeRoy The following licenses being approved by the Police and Fire Commissioner, and money covering.same eing received by the Clerk gaming lincenses for the operation of three tables at $250.00 for three tables were issued. Stocker Brothers Boulder Club. A. T. McCarter. ^ Vote as follows: Commissioners Thomas, Hansell, and Smith, and His Honor the ^ayor voting Aye. Hoes Hone. "An Ordinance Vacating &he alley running northerly and southerly through Blocks numbers Fight and Nine in the ^ardie Addition to the City of ^as Vegas, Clark County, Nevada for H;k school purpose^Twas read to the Board, for a second time, and passed, and ordered published for one week tthree issues) in the Las Vegas ^ge, a tri-weekly newspaper published in the City of Las Vegas. "An Ordinance to amend, revise and rc-enact Section 1 of Ordinance No. 112 of the City of Las Vegas, entitled "An Ordinance to license traveling shows, circuses, hippodromes, menageries and carnivals in the City of Has Vegas, and repealing Ordinance No. 105 of the City of las Vegas, and all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith" and to repeal all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflicttherewith," was read to the Board for a seond ^ time, and passed by the following vote: Commissioners Thomas, Hansell,and S^eith, and His Honor the Mayor voting Aye. Noes, ^ame was to be in full force, and effect on and after its complete publication for one week ( theee issues) in the Las Vegas Age, a tri-weekly newspaper published in the City of Las Vegas. " An Ordinance to Amend, Revise and Re-enact, Bection -2. of Ordinance No. 36 of the City of Las Vegas, entitled: "An Ordinance Providing for the issuance of plumbing and sewer conncction'Permits, for the inspection of plumbing, and sewer connections and for the regulations and construction work in the /ity of Las Vegas," and to repeal all ordinan cs 1.1 conflict therewith," was read to the Board a second time, and passedly the following vote; Commissioners Th .-mas, Hanseel, and ^mith, and His --onor the Mayor voting Aye. Hoes Hone. ^ Same to bemin full force, and effect from, and after its complete publication for one week (six issues) in the Las Vegas Byening eview and Journal, a daily newspaper published in the City of Las Vegas. The Las Vegas Gas Company, a Nevada Corporation organized to take 'over the franchise R. F. Crittenden presented a plat to the Board for Its approval of the proposed gas mains to be laid in the City of B&s *'cgas. After some discussion it was decided to 1-y the natter over until some future date , for further consideration. There being no further business to come before the Board at this tine the meeting recessed until Friday October 4th at the hour of eight o'clock P.H. Office of the City Clerk of the City of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada. October 4th, 1929 At a recessed regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, Levada held October 4th, 1929 at the hour of eight o'clock P.M. Present Mayor J. -*?. Hesse, Commissioners Th mas, Hansell, and Smith together with the City attorney and ^lerk, and Sunt, of B-^reets. Absent Commissioner German. Some of the property owners in the district asking for street paving appeared before the Uii^nu uiiO OOSb OJ. <&L CJ.<n.Sm Om UiiQUi bfiQu 1JLJSU USOCL OO SOCTJ-JJOCLy *OQC-10(i. Q- d.CSlSS.: On QS uO L-ho CJ-Q.SC uO OO U.SO( * rp*'"'nT<P ^ j.. - ^ ^ ^ Q c*** c-