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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    gj^jawiJ.'avdv—i ?H-69SI lauoiij "jojaJsaiJjaa pua 9AQ^«_ aau ‘psnsinanjun ‘asnoxi MOOUCIHa Z aasaoH—02 row- »«oqa .?g9 z o n h o v n v x N a a s v a j 09t iuauqjBdKT pOni isfnilluWniuitnllS ' ofii esnott paqsjuinjwpS « J H p ljP tp m n o P-M 9IA9TI I 1City, District ,f§ § (Continued from Page One) servation of the current supply. Restating his claim that the city faces dwindling artesian supply while population increas­es constantly, Allen advised that throttling of future devel­opment could be largely offset by attention to water conserva­tion until a supplementary sup­ply is obtained. Allen cited the dwindling wa­ter reserve as the major reason the PSC granted the request of the water company f6 r the in­terim ban. Allen recommended that. the public hearing on the order, originally scheduled for January 2 2 , be held regardless of t h e trecislon of the order. I' His request that the hearing I be moved up was granted in the iform of a committee motion pos­ed by A. C. Grant that the af­fair be conducted not later than December 17, in Las Vegas. Water D i s t r i c t President Campbell told the committee last night that district legal counsel­lors in Los Angeles Informed him that negotiations for t h e pur­chase of the water company fa­cilities could be accomplished in 45 clsiys* Metering loomed last night as a definite possibility for Las Vegas water users if transfer of facility ownership g o e s through. Committee m e m b e r s took quickly to metering as a sure means of enforcing water con­servation in answer to complaints that Vegans waste an inordin­ate amount of water. With the possibility of public ownership came also discussion of future supplemental w a t e r sunply for Las Vegas. Water District Director Harry Miller cited Lake Mead as the only logical source of supple­mental water and urged renewed pressure bn Colorado river com­missioners and the general serv­ice administration to obtain wa­ter from the Hehderson line: President Campbell asserted that he CRC had not been ag­gressive enough in the interest of water for Las Vegas. Attorney Cory asked the com­mittee to ponder the question, “Why can’t the water district condemn the Henderson line to force delivery of w ater to Las Vegas?” Cory added the suggestion that BMI residual assets going to prospective lessees might - be condemned until a water agree-men was established.