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X f t t V ' a- Mr. Los Anweles, February 2, 1-733^ 1854 J.D.E A, E. Stoddard - Cte&ha (2 ) cot W. M. H a lsizer W* C. Perkins 'EB 4= 1954 L. R. Maag bcc: V. ¥. Smith ^ Recommendation fo r Las Vegas Land and Water Company au th ority to in s t a ll a t Company’ s expense, pressure reducing v a lv e In e x is tin g 8,f water main a t 17th S tre e t and Charleston Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada, a t an estimated cost o f |3»^30*00. That p o rtio n o f the C ity o f Las Vegas ly in g e a s te rly o f the Southern Nevada Power Company rig h t-o f-w a y , which extends southerly from Charleston Boulevard immediately east o f l? th S tre e t, and sou therly o f Charleston Boulevard which area includes Crestwood, Eastwood, Bel A ir , Sunnyaids and proposed Charleston Park Su bdivisions, la now being served through a s in g le 8 ” water main lo c a ted on south aide o f Charles-ton Boulevard. The above described area l i e s a t an e le v a tio n su bstan tiall y low er than the area w esterly o f the Southern Nevada Power Company’ s rig h t-o f-w a y and th is d iffe r e n c e in e le v a tio n , coupled w ith the fa c t th at the e n tir e area is served through a s in g le e x is tin g 8M water main, not equipped w ith means o f c o n tro llin g pressure, is the cause o f excessive pressure in the area described above and re s u lts in excessive maintenance due to leaks and is a lso the cause o f numerous complaints o f exce ss iv e pressure from home owners. The in s t a lla t io n o f a pressure reducing v a lve in 8“ water main at 17th S tre e t and Charleston w i l l p rovide a means o f c o n tro llin g pressure to the e n tir e area described above and w i l l reduce maintenance costs and elim in ate complaints from customers. The pressure s e ttin g o f th is pressure reducing v a lv e a t 17 th S tre e t and Charleston Boulevard w i l l be coordinated w ith another- s im ila r valve which i t is planned to i n s t a l l, a t a la t e r date, In the Oakey Boulevard water main when i t Is extended e a s te rly from 15th S tre e t In G&ksy Boulevard.