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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Karol* 29 $ 1949 W 2$ Mr. tie §. Scott Public Service Commission Carson City, Hev&da Bear beef A* you know* we are now extending water mains to Sofia**sa Village Tract under out usual Rule 9-A arrangement with Waal®, C&mplan i fibertl, the eubdividers, and expect to take over service to that tract in the next month or six weeks* One of the new services we will inherit includes a private swimming pool which has heretofore been served by a well, but will now be served from the city mains, and question arises as to proper fate to apply* Our present rate schedule provides a charge of 130.00 per month for 9000 cubic feet capacity or less and this seems fair and equitable for a coaler* oi&l type swimming pool which accomodates & large amber of people and for which a per capita charge Is made. However, it seems rather high for a private pool used by no one but the consumers family, fhs pool in question is approximately 20 x 40 feet and assuming an average of J feet deep, the pool would hold 4000 cubic feet or about 30,000 gallons* re* Capture device it used and chlorine added to keep the water clear. 1 had in mind an arrangement of special con* tract to cover this service, which is permitted under cur regulations,and will appreciate your suggestions as tc a rate that would be fair and equitable to both the consumer and the Water Company. Have no doubt similar situations exist in Reno and I will appreciate it if you will let me know what is charged there for private swimming pools. Very truly yours, General Manager