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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    'av Annual Report - Water and Electric Utilities - 1928 Los Angeles, Calif., JAN 31 1929 L Y 16 Mr. W. R. Bracken: Please furnish me not later than February 10, 1929, with the followiig information to be used in compiling the annual report of the electric and water utilities of Las Yegas Land and Y/ater Company to the Public Service Commission of Heyada for the calendar year 1928. 1. * K.W.H. Electric euri*ent purchased. 2. -Humber of consumers and K.W.H. consumed by each. ?A. Residential (* ? -u. .a /m . -w. Ju. -B. Commercial (Rooming House classed as commercial) *C. Municipal ^W-**-*— ’L. Other public service corporations. 3. > Classification and number of water consumers at end of year 1928 and consumption during year. - ff*A 4. (•A. Residential' J -fi- Commercial - t Vc. Industrial ? C'D. Municipal" 7 -A, 1/ 5 67 ) 98 / 10 Separate revenue of §18496.70 for water sales reported on General Balance Sheet as of December 31, 1928, between following classes: A. Metered sales to general consumers 3. Plat rate Sales to general consumers r 7© C. Other Water Utilities. e # "? D. Miscellaneous Municipal Sales 5. - Source of water supply. 6. Maximum water supply. Total water pumped or diverted from streams. Total water sold or metered (See your letter W-35-1 Feb. 23, 1928) Total water unaccounted for Total cubic feet of water purchased (previous estimate based on 3.56 cu.ft. a second or 831,737,770 gallons per year). Also please advise size and number of feet of Distribution Mains in use at the end of the year 1928.