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La s. Vega 1 Land and Water Company Ora.^lna'i Sheet F |[ 6’ SCHEDULE OF MTES - Cont'd. ^ °« Class o f S ervice Month 4 6 ,. Schools, Public (a ) Building and grounds occupying one block - 1 I I 1 $10,00 (b ) Building and grounds occupying le s s than „ one block --------------- -------------------------- -------------- ^ 5 0 4/. S ervice Station 1 not including, bath and t o i l e t • - _ _ _ _ 1 ,6 5 40, Shower Bath (See No, 4, Bath Tub and Shower Bath — P u b lic) 49, Soda Fountain - in connection w ith store _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,25 50, Soda Manufacturer (B o ttlin g W orks.)---------------------------------- 10,00 51*.Steam B o ile r (a ) For heating b u ild in g , o f f i c e ----------------------I ____ 1.50 (b ) For power, not over f i f t y (50) h . p . , ---------------------- 6,00 52. Store or Shop - except as herein s p e c ific a lly c la s s ifie d ^ r,r 53. Swimming Pools (a ) P rivate - - equ.ipeed with approved type o f f i l t e r s , ch lorin ation and r e -c irc u la tin g - system, properly operated and maintained, with capacity o f | 1 . 4 ,0 0 0 cubic fe e t or le s s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 ,0 0 2 . 4,001 " " to 6,000 cubic fe e t _ _ _ _ _ 4,50 3. 6,001 " 1 2 3 4 5 * 11 » a , 000 " " __________ 6 ,0 0 4. 0,001 " " 1 0 ,0 0 0 " " __________ 7 ,5 0 5. Over 10,000 cubic fe e t --------- ------------------ 10*00 Provided such pools s h a ll not be drained and r e f i l l e d in excess o f once every 3 months and in the in terim only such water be used as may be necessary to replen ish losses due to evaporation and s p illa g e - (b ) Public ---------------------------------------------------------- 30 , 00 3 0 VQ Issued by Wm, Reinhardt V ico-)'residen t E ffe c tiv e September 1 . 1951