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    tto. WfWMh hot*##* it #* Mshsrdt, MM*fNMNr« sod JL®«i# bortraAd, INfe44NM0O» m b l m m i . ^ t m * tot* f m m July 1 , 19&?» * x t m < iX m to c a tc h e r M , 1 *4 0 , a se r ia l® p o rtio n •f Union ffcolfio ?M*»trial front Mm* $* Cast Loo *ngolo*» 8«1tftemis* MOdor leas# to $u #f» I^sbusyd* fro* h m Togo* Loud and **tor £o*i»*nr# op®* ooadttioa tout «»W ft* #* Bioimrds sim 11 not bo relieved of any of the torso «nft oorditloa# sot forto li «gr#e-»snt bBtoOOB hl« *&t*d this esaspeny, igtetft |||as 1 1 , 1934 (identified m eentrast Audit &©. # 1 7 3 > sod etmadseats thereto# bo# #**• the osao ere hereby ratified* approved and ooBfMNMU ©0 f m % t m duly se#e end tesetided# it o*« T£SOf*ftb* Hut the motion of Vis# President strong Is m m m tioff sod dolitortni egrssoeot flfflMIPfli* Audit is* §803), dated duly •, 1WT, offootloo Afrll 8, IMI# botvooo Los Togas Land sod water iospaaf «nd m m r t m m t of %lsf sot of the City of toy Aogelte, ooeeriJtfg the m m t r m - tloo sod of s imy wire sad Mite ever mod apoa this Coopsay* a isreperty at or soar Missis* Bo*d» oowtb of jgaoy > | m l , Is# Ang*l«at Calif oral#, for tom# of five years * •itbjoot to sixty days' notloo to rsaoo# m U gay xirs sod snehor fro* this CoopMiy'o proporty* fee# and the seat# it hereby, ratified, epprotod m & ooafirood. €?# notion duly OOdO tod. COOOBdOdjr it ws# ftKtOLYKb, tkst the aoiloo of vis# rpooldont dtrsog and goorotavy yolmsoB Is oxoouUng sod delivering aipsteamat* tOtot &Sjf if, 1M» tlffMMo. Audit To. 98841. h«t»##a four