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I agree.jgj I February 34, 1936 Re- Agreement, Las Vegas Land and Water Company to Hawkins Land & Water Company Mr. E, E. C alvin , President Las Vegas Land and Water Company Oman a , H ebraeka Dear S ir : January the 15th and your r e p ly t o same o f January the 18th above su b ject. I beg to hand you herewith fo r execu tion , agreement between the L .V .L , & w. Co. and the Hawkins L. & W. Co. co verin g that acreage south o f Clark*e Las Vegas Townsite, with the exception o f th at p o rtio n which we are now preparing to deed to the S tate and Federal Highway across th is land. However, the excluding from t h is agreement th is rig h t-o f-w a y does not in anyway in t e r fe r e with the lump purchase p ric e which Hawkins Land & Water Co. have agreed t o pay to th e L .V .L .£ 1. Co. I t is takin g from them a c e rta in amount o f acreage which was included in the o r ig in a l agreement, but the b e n e fits which w i l l accrue to them from the. opening up o f th is road w ill be grea ter than the lo s s o f th e acreage used fo r Federal rig h t-o f-w a y . A fte r executing same w i l l you k in d ly return to me fo r fu rth er handling? R e fe rrin g to my l e t t e r to you under date o f Yours tru ly V ice-P resid en t & Agent SRB/MC Enc