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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    M r . U A . W h i t e * la# V e g a # J j M a r c h 16, 1951 f 18* Confirming phone conversation yeeterday, f o U m i a r e corrected f ig re# fo r eaoh kind and alee o f trans­m ission ffcalae and explanation o f differen ce# with W.H.H. Summary Statement *J|** | p i1 Sglll- * ?:-. - > v.--ri S is* & Kind - o f P l o e .... W.H.B. p M _jm©ai*B* : Actual Explanation ,#f i i ...... . _ B M f ©ranees 12* Transit# 3932 38*6 ( / 26 ft * used a# drain W. 0. '-688. § M g | lo f t . e f 12* transit® tC 12* V.Z.F. W.O. 6500 16* | U 95 1195 16* it 3«e? 36o? 18* # 853 857 AM 6 f t . to check AO. W.O* 2013 20* 9 3 3 M 3376 26* i 1831 18J1 26* Welded S teel f§ | 336 12* Concrete 1217 1039 Actual measurement. Portion o f origin al 12* concrete pipe removed when se ttlin g baain it constructed. * Unable to account fo r differen ce bet probably included 150 f t . o f perforated pipe and drain lin e at ta ttlin g baain # 2. 12* W. 1. F. 263 98 8* C. 1. F. 733 f t ! triable to account fo r d iffe r ©hot 10* C. I . F* / n s Balance o f 10* pipe not in transmission main* 12* C* 1. F. 32J© 3207 Balance o f 12* pipe not in tranaralaaion main. 1*** 0. X. F. i None In pus®) house - w .o. 2013 16* 0. X. P. i m M 3* 950 Ft. W.o. 37% 30 Ft* at S h o p C o n n e c t i o n 7589 Ft* t fJ I 1002 5 3 Ft. ¥ . o . 3 1 8 0 t o w e l l U 3 V Ft* W . O . 6 8 6 A . G , P o i n t ^ 3 9 Ft. Total CONTINUED