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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Bfe r wltyy District. Los Angeles - April 1, 1953 80-11 Mr. W.H. Hulslzert cc: Mr. W.R. Mr. C.M, Rouse Bates I would like to have you advise me whether there are any portions of the water production facilities of the Los Angeles & Salt ILake Railroad Company at Las Vegas or water distribution facilities of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company at that point as to which there is any doubt as to their title. X assume that no doubt exists as to the title of the LA&SLRRCQ. to the water production facilities because it is my understanding that all of such facilities have been constructed by that company. However, I believe that the LVL&WCO. has taken over in the past two or three defunct water companies and may not have acquired a good title from these companies. Would you please furnish me full information relating to the nature of the transaction between the LVL&WCO. and these old water companies under which we under took to operate their mains. It may be that we have re­placed, by our own construction, the old mains which we originally took over and if this is a fact, I would like to know it. I desire this information in connection with the proposed contract for purchase and sale of the water facilities which we are negotiating with the attorneys for the Las Vegas Valley Water District. I do not want the contract or the conveyance documents to contain any warranties of title as to property which we have operated but as to which our title is questionable. E. E.^Bennett