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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    I suggest it would be better for us to Insist tb&t the extension to Bonanza Village be made along the route afawon as “Plan A8, thereby affording us an oppor­tunity to serve Intermediate consumers in the West Bonanza Hoad district, and at the same time straighten out our design for more efficient operation of the water system, as well as for future extensions. If we have to ourselves advance the difference in cost between “Plan A8 and "Plan 0“, it appears the investment would be justified. Ap­proximately 2600 ft. of 12 “ pipe would be required 9 #5,70 per foot, labor and material at a oost of #10,820, over and above the costs to be advanced by sub-dividers, fro® this investment we could serve 35 houses at an estimated annual revenue of |8*K3,OG per year, already constructed, plus potential revenues from future building in that locality, which should develop rapidly with the water supply, advent of a dependable •»3» A. M. Polger