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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    A * * Z How water rates* rules and regulations* Las Vegas, - 1 T | / 11/ —?Jv APR \<* 119371 * Nevada. x:£ep»x' Los Angeles* April 16* 1931. Mr. F. E. Knickerbocker: Herewith original and two copies of new schedule of rates, rules and regulations which it is proposed to effective on June 1, 1931* covering water service in the City of Las Vegas, Clark County* Nevada, in lieu of all existing schedules now In effect. If this is approved and executed by the C o m p a n y * the original should be returned to me, so that I may file it with the Public Service Corrsmlsaion and arrange for the noticing of an early hearing. Our instructions were to adjust the new schedule so to briar about an increase of 100 per cent. In seme instances we have iSIreased the old rates 100 per cent, but on the mtahxe imIunmcr eparsoef itis oanb oouurt 6i0n vpeesrt mecnetn tt.hoart we believe w5i?l,l? *b3eS £p*e“r _ mitted by the Public Service Commission. This revision was made on a flat monthly rate basis* as the Legislature of Hevada, under an act approved Karch 2^, 1931, has made It unlawful for any utility* other than cities apnudr potsoewn so ro wonbijencgt awnhda toepveerra,t intog utshee ira noyw mne cwh®atndiJc al water meter ©r similar device to measure the quantity of water delivered to water users. F. R. McHamee FKM-MK CO Mr. Walter Bracken (with copy of schedule) Mr. R. L. Adamson Mr. A. S. H a l s t e d ^ Mr. Leo A. McSaaee