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    Mr. Wm. Reinhardt Page 6 July 6, 1951 “However, a p p lic a tio n f o r an exten­sion o f se rv ic e to any su b d iv isio n o r pro­posed su b d iv isio n , may be made a f t e r A p r il 13, 1951, and such se rv ic e w i l l be rendered I f the lan d o f such su b d iv isio n received i r r i g a t i o n service f o r a crop that has been ir r ig a t e d w ith in the tw en ty-fou r (24) months Immediately preceding the date o f a p p lic a tio n f o r an exten sion o f service. "Nothing contained in th is ru le s h a ll be in te rp re te d o r deemed to prevent the Com­pany from complying with any su bd ivisio n agreement where a p p lic a tio n f o r service o r an exten sion o f se rv ic e has been made to the company on or p r io r to A p r il 13, 1951. "No a p p lic a tio n f o r se rv ic e w i l l be accepted o r granted nor se rv ic e rendered fo r the purpose o f i r r i g a t i n g lan d fo r commercial a g r ic u lt u r a l purposes u n less such lan d r e ­ceived ir r ig a t io n se rv ic e w ith in Iwenty-four (2 4 ) months immediately precedin g the date o f a p p lic a tio n fo r se rv ic e of* extension o f s e rv ic e . "This emergency ru le s h a ll be construed and a p p lie d only in conjunction with Paragraph (B ) Extensions to Serve T racts Or S u bd iv isio n s, Rule and R egulation No. 19, Main Extensions, and s h a ll not apply to Paragraph (A) General Extensions, under sa id Rule and R egulation No. 19. "This ru le s h a ll not lim it o r r e s t r i c t in any manner whatsoever the gran tin g o f service to new a p p lic a n ts , other than f o r su bd ivisio n s and i r r ig a t io n se rv ic e as hereinabove p ro v id e d ." I t would seem, th e re fo re , that fundamentally we would be p e r fe c t ly J u s t ifie d in making a p p lic a tio n to the Nevada Commission fo r a u th o rity to re fu se fu rth e r connec­tio n s and in my opin ion, such an a p p lic a tio n would undoubt­edly m a te ria lly a id in the proposed bond Is s u e . However, I think se rio u s con sid eration should be given to the re ac tio n which the Water Company might get to such an a p p lic a t io n .