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    #8 March IS* 1936, which we roust guard againss and c u rta il, la s t year we were able to get through the worst period by an appeal to the people through newspaper t.dver-tisin g and by keeping the public advised of the exact status of the water supply. In fact, quite a number called at the o ffic e and assured us of .their sincere co­operation in conserving the supply, but pointed out the f&at that at tiroes i t because discouraging afte r they had put fo rth thei r best e ffo r ts , to look over into their neighbor’ s yard &ndvsee water running to waste* I t is fo r th is purpose that the ordinance is m ostly needed, as the m j o r i t y o f our c it iz e n s appreciate the fa c t water' is a prime e s s e n tia l and know that tfhmi they help to conserve i t , they arc b e n e fitin g them-so lves as much as anyone sin e, % aha 11 be glu& to a s s is t you in any way wo con in drawing up such an ordin­ance, and r e s p e c t fu lly suggent con sid eration o f the f o l ­low ing r e s tr ic tio n ;} which arc in affect# a t I;ono and Sparks: ' ( a ) i*hc customer sh all maintain a l l fix tu r e s in good operating condition to prevent the waste of water through le a fy fix tu r e s and s h a ll not .permit water to flow continuously through any fixture* (b ) She oust o e z , in sp rin k lin g lawns or gardens, s h a ll use a spray n oezle o f some s o rt, (e ) .'fcter ahull not be perm itted to flow from any ©ustoiscr’ s premises e ith e r in to the gut te r s s tr e e t or a d jo in in g l o t , 1' Uhese r o s tr io tie n o would not work a hardship on any Individual, but itobld in general cause the water to b© put to s ben eficial use. During a period of dune 1935, actual measurement*3 by the m e t e r meter Indicated a con­sumption of 478 gallons per person par day, based on a population of 8,000 (as detailed In ny -letter to you under date of June 20th, 1915); s ta tis tic s from representative c itie s throughout the country show that our per capita consumption is about three times that of the average. Earnestly asking your cooperation, I am Respectfully yours,