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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, August 2, 1946 7334 Mr* J. P* Mack: Referring your letter dated July 31st, file WO-1180, re­garding materials to be charged out during the month of July, 194-6, account Las Vegas Water Facilities. Am listing below, materials which should be charged out during the month of July in order that you may prepare Form 502-1 to cover: Recn. No. 64-180 64-114 64-86 64-162 Description __________________________ 17 Sq. Huts for 1-1/4" Bolts 10 L.Ft. 6 " 0.1. Pipe, B&S 01. 100 401 L.Ft. New 4" Cl Pipe, B&S, 01. 100 410 L.Ft. SH 4" " " * * 100 18 L.Ft. 3/4" W.I. Pipe 1 24" to 12" Cl fappered Reducer, 12" Spigot,24" Bell 2 6 " Cl Ell, Bell Ends, 45© 1 6" Swing Check Valve, Flanged T&D 1 6" Wedge Cate Valve, Flanged T&D, Crane #46 6 4" Wedge Cate Valve, B e ll Ends 1 4" 01 45° E l l , Bell Ends 1 4" Cl 15 0 » " " 6 4" Cl 60° " " * 6 4" 01 Tee " " " 1 3/4* Cheok Valve, Crane #366# 2 3/4* 45° Ell . 6 Fire Hydrants, Van Deventer Type with 2fc" - 7#M v Threads per inch 2*10* - 10-3/4", 4 5 .5 # . 8 Round Thread (one piece, Republic Perforated 14*7“ reoelved and only Casing. 11*9" charged out M-7) 1 - 4 " , 6o° Wye Branch, B e ll Ends. lrm:o R. L. Adamson