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I agree.PH Wf: 1 § ) HI ias Yegas Banoh, M li§ I»os Angeles, Gala t March. 3, 1305 \ Mr. J. Boss Clark, • ' • v ' ' ' ,y • _ . j /'/ ‘ • V Second Tice President, Building. Dear sir: la aoeorftanoc with paragraph U of the Siiutea of Construction Committee on FShruaiy W, 1906, 1 have arranged Ur.C.Xra rattle at las Vegas Hanoi, Hevada, on Tuesday morning next for the purpose of mating arrangement ..far, the diepoael of .tact of Urahandise in our store, cattle on 5U ranch and leasing the ranch property. The Minutes of the Conatruotionj Committee provide that Hr.Tutple and myself shall attend to these matters, protesting the interests, of ths company and reporting to yourself and obtaining your approval ojf our decisions. Relative taj the disposal of the stock d merchandise in our Store: ay plan woujd he to take an inventory mediately upon our arrival at las Vegas and to insert in some of the lie Atgelee papers and Salt lake papers of two Sundays' issue,- larch 6t> and 12th - an adver- tisement something qlg follows: al merchandise,, all located at las !eras l2 V 'V e“er- fLSShral merlhanJl8» <*°<* about five thousand' doU^ Lles'1* for Februazy amounted to (have wired Bracken 5JL ,?ales 5jd£?®l*S *SW ?“•*»£uOopr s trfioTiits!’iofi*x “‘S’tTr^s^rwSn801"0 larch j6th, at'which time all bidders^Str VE mEIA ail f At M i«a asm dzmmimA gam