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I agree.Los Angeles, C a l., Aug. 30, 1905. F ile 613. Mr. A. L. Jones, D iv isio n Engineer, Las Yegas, le v . Dear S ir : As the cement, c o lla r s which have/been put around the jo in ts o f the 18” pipe lin e in Vegas yard seem Jo be in e ffe c t iv e fo r the stoppage o f leaks, I b e lie v e you had b e tte r f r y the plan o f using in stead th ick blocks o f r ic h concrete / say a fo o t or more in len gth and with a w a ll, o f, say 6 or 8 inches/ in thickness. The concrete need not be moulded in forms but on ly tarfped in to excavations made at the / ^ jo in t s . With a thickness o f 8 in c h e s ,I tru s t the blocks w i l l not crack from v ib r a tio n produced by passing tra in s i f that is what proI. V.pipe lin e , concrete blocks at join ts. duced the leak s. W ill you please ter^ave th is done and rep o rt the res u lt a ft e r tr y in g the plan in a few ^instances. I t u ^ probable that a l l the jo in ts from the tank to the! s tr e e t may have to be trea ted t h is way i f i t proves e f fe c t iv e . Yours tr u ly , C hief Engineer. EGT-LRT