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TH O M A S A . CAMPBELL PRESIDENT SPENCER L. BUTTERFIELD VICE PRESIDENT W ILLIAM COULTHARD SEC'Y-TREAS. HARRY E. MILLER E. O T T O UNDERHILL JAM ES C A S H M A N JO H N BUNCH OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 9 ? ? S O U T H 5 T H S T R E E T LAS VEGAS, NEVADA T E L E P H O N E 5 9 2 0 OelriMr i$, m i P . ? . B O X 14 4 B lot Union foolflc tof hood Casspony Lot Angoiftk m i Soft lobe Roliread Compmyi m i tm Viigoc tend m i Wohar Q m §»m ft c o I P Y The undesigned, los Veg* Volley Water Oftlrfet, 9 water dfctfrte* ereeted m i existing pursuant m (Ho provision* of Chapter 14* of (Ho M i of N n M b , o» « m h M by Chapter l i t i t i#4V$toM *»of N i«d a « » oc cReended % Chapter W of foe * W Statute* of N ««d 6 , hereinafter sometime* colled *© !*trl*t, ism hereby offer you nft ttaeef f t * mttkm f ft* Hundred Thoownd ($2,5®©,OCi©,0$ for* |e| The f t * hunfoed ****** Awee, owro or low, of water-bearing tend, o» fad M od by tlio shaded portion of foe plot O M hereto, worked Exhibit * A !, md mod* « port heroef, together with oil of dm Improvement* thereon ond the opporfononee* thereunto belonging, HI All of #10 water end right* to water fifing upon, or flawing horn the fond described In Co| above, inchidtng dm w»t«r produced by poking from w»H* located foereew*; imkisiv*, however, 9# (ho water fight focnrved fen the s>»*d from Hafea i . Stewart, ef oi, to W. A. Clark, doled Oooonhtr 9, f M # ®«d recorded in hook U of M t*ta*a deed* * fee# 222, U*woh» County, Nevode, Record*, on# except it $» understood, (hot pursuant to the Certificate of Appro-station issued hy the Slot# Engineer of (he State of Nevada *© lot Angola* & Soil Ufe# Eelfreed C o lo n y under Application No, W » , which Certificate It re c o rd in took S of Water Apfuepfiatien* at page Chnh County, Nevada, Record*, mt4 Seilreed Cewspany hot the right to appropriate * * « foe la* Vega* Artesian fksdn throat Wet I No. I fubldb welt If locate hi SWi/4 of the SWI/4 of tho SWI/4 of Section 2 f, 3§ Sooth, tenge 41 East, M.0.&.& M .) two end ent-holf (3,4 e .f.*.) cubic feet por ancond of water, or «o much thereof at It mm fn# to o beneficial o m , for ret hood purpose*. That dm right to appro* priore eeld water for mch porpoeo I* to he reserved by cold lolireed C o lo n y , fort sold « at hood Company will obtain laid water through ifo ib®# Wolf, which It forced in the NWi/4 ef fo* SW i/4«f foe MWi/4 of Section 34, In told Township, or through a well te be drilled by It «t e ftiM within o radio* of one hundred foet from told shop well. SbeuM told fudbaad C olon y mskm pttooHon to foe Stole Engineer hi chongo foe point of Uivertleri of add t.S c.f.s. of water from mid Woll No, I to mid Shap Woll, or too well to be drilled by It within «t rodfotof one hundred feet Ire® told Shop? Welt, foe Sfe* trlet will not protect nor «oatett met1 o§sf-!*eei«e».