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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    C O P Y fV.f ' 0'MELVENY & MYERS 433 South Spring Street Los Angeles 13 November 23rd, 1953 In reply refer to B-2805 Subjects LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Mr. Thomas A. Campbell President, Las Vegas Valley Water District 135 South Fourth Street Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Mr. Campbells This pertains to your recent correspondence relative to the obtaining of three bids by Union Pacific Company in the case of all extensions and betterments made by it in amounts exceeding $2,000. It is our understanding that the Directors of the District have adopted a resolution requiring as a condi­tion to their consent to addition s and betterments in excess of $2,000 that Union Pacific obtain at least three bids on the pro­posed construction. After discussing the matter at length with Mr. Mont­gomery, we concur in his recommendation that the District should condition its consent to additions and betterments upon Union Pacific's obtaining at least three bids for each project. The costs of said additions and betterments will be eventually paid from public funds and the public, accordingly, is entitled to see that these expenditures are hedged by reasonable precautions. Union Pacific indicates that there may be some diffi­culty In obtaining three bids in those situations where the sub-^ divider constructs the improvement himself. Mr. Montgomery advises me that he has considered this situation carefully and has discussed it with Mr. Maag. Neither Mr. Montgomery nor Mr. Maag see any particular difficulty in requiring the subdivider to obtain at least three bids upon the construction. Apparently there are a sufficient nuraer of pipeline contractors in the Las Vegas area so that three bids should be obtainable without particu­lar difficulty.