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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    *41 \ M S VEGAS LARD and WATER COMPANY General Balance Sheet - Summary Month o f October - 1919. i a amount ASSET SIDE R eal E state Unimproved 25? 149=75 2a improved Real E state & M iscellan eou s P ro p e rty 190 500=34 Investment in S e c u r itie s 1 375=00 TOTAL 449 024,09 c-jjGmi assets M a te ria l and Supplies 787*86 5 « Cash 27 897.82 M iscellan eou s Accounts R e ceiva b le 3 512.17 TOTAL 32 197.85 DEFERRED ASSETS 7. Other D eferred Assets 7 245.40 TOTAL 7 245=40 PgADJUaTffl) DEBITS Water Franchise Expense 288-.30 E le c t r ic L ig h t System Franchise 44.84 10. Insurance Premiums Paid in Advance 344»39 • r4 < M i 677.53 * GRAND TOTAL 489 144=87 W f t ASI-S.RiS STOCK 11. C a p ita l Stock 50 000.00 TOTAL 50 000.00 AFFILIATED COMPANIES ll-’a Los Angeles & S a lt Lake Jl.R.Co* - Loans 151 712.17 TOTAL 161 712o17 CURRENT LIABILITIES 12. Vouchers Payable 2 590.99 TOTAL 2 590=99 UNADJUSTED CREDITS 13. Accrued D ep recia tio n 42 679 54 14. Other Unadjusted C red its 7 202,80 15. Accrued Taxes Estimated 4 755a79 16. Accounts Repayable 39=85 17. Lps A ngeles & S a lt Lake R„R0C o .-S p ecia l Account 99,93 TOTAL 54 777,96 P r o f i t and Loss' C re d it Balance / O A udit ....