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upr000065 150


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    FQfUSGAST OF CAPITAL ©C’EIIDtTURSS Kay 1, 1952 ta and Including Deo* 31, 1952 HA* "-Kagfe- sutijort.^4..JbxAt_.not quieted SiahlgLOt. to. Refund 0 662 - Industrial Tract • Utah St. wo 692 - r&hor Tract WO 693 - Alta Vista Addition #2 vi 0 690- - Qeicrldge Tract wo 676 - Oolur’ibla Heights Tract Ho* 2 ¥0 666 - Oolunbla Heights Tract Ho# 3 ‘W* - ork Contenolated - but not ret author #5 570 150 200 , 300 6 320 6 to :U9 000 Rldgevlev Tract no* 5 6 430 Boulder Dan Hesses! te Addition 13 600 to fclitt Tract 10 to iiyde ark ** Unit Mo. 1 35 000 Country Estates 31 750 Par&dlee Village Tract 6 000 weatleigh Tract Ho* 3 17 500 weatlelgh Tract om k 21 500 Keloh Tract 6 760 Howard Tract ? 000 Sunnyelde Mention 25 000 risosllaneous JIM. $205 960 JLSw«r,.if^rA Ja» M, MLSammsii Authorized KO 67** - Weetslde Tranaralaalon Line 3 000 WO 696 — ' est Oharleaton res»ure Bys,^Q 740 313 7^0 AntJLalPfelfld PressuDariea Hroe n:euell«ttel nAgd dayist itoenn - Boulder 5 000 fflsoellaneous extension** 10 000 I I I 000 Grand Total