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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM V UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD COMPANY OREGON-WASH INGTON RAILROAD &. NAVIGATION COMPANY DEPARTMENT OF OPERATION .CALVIN, 1416 DODGE STREET OMAHA, NEBRASKA VICE-PRESIDENT March 26, 1920 Mr. J.Eoss Clark 2nd Vice-Pres., LA&SL HR Co., Los Angeles, California. Lear Sir I return herewith Fora 30, Division Engineer’s Ho. 5-1868, for installing 2,600 lineal feet of 16" wood stare pipe in the main pipe line from reservoir above present re­inforced vitrified pipe, replacing an equal amount.of 16" plain vitrified pipe installed in 1915 at Las Vegas, Nevada, involving a charge of $2,174,50 to Capital Account, then decided that the work was absolutely necessary and it was ay understanding that it was to be undertaken immediately in fact, on December 30 I wrote Regional Director Hale Holden fully about it so it would be a matter of record with the Administration and attach hereto for your information a copy of that communication. If any work was done during the per­iod of Federal Control upon which the Corporation is entitled to interest, arrangements should be made to see that such in­terest is duly paid by the Government, I had looked into this matter last December and Enc; GC: Mr. W.H,Comstock.