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I agree.LAS VEGAS, NEVADA V CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA COMPARATIVE TEMPERATURES IN DEGREES 1941 February: DeMpeaarnt ure from Normal +534.*60 Highest 71 Lowest 35 March: DeMpeaarnt ure from Normal 560.*80 Highest 82 Lowest 35 April: Mean 60*8 Departure from Normal -3.4 Highest 87 Lowest 38 May: DMeepaanr ture from ^formal +723..16 Highest 101 Lowest 50 June: DMeepaanr ture from Normal -728..40 Highest 104 Lowest 52 July: DMeepaanr ture from Normal —850..86 Highest 112 Lowest 62 Augus t: DMeepaanr ture from Normal —813..35 Highest 104 Lowest 60 September: DMeepaanr ture from Normal —742..28 Highest 102 Lowest 49 1942 48*8 - 1.6 78 23 55.7 -1.1 90 31 65.6 +1.5 91 39