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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Q U E S T I O N A I R E % What is your business c l a s s i f i c a t i o n ? _________________ What, in your opinion, should the licen se rate be fo r your business?____________ •- Should the amount o f the licen se fee be d iffe re n t fo r d iffe re n t individuals in your lin e o f business? Should the d ifferen ce, i f any, be rated by the amount o f business done, or should the fee b«j a stated amount? ______ Should the number o f licen ses fo r any one group be lim ited?_______I f so, why Do you fe e l that licen ses should be paid quarterly in one group and yea rly in another, or do you b elie ve that a l l should be paid quarterly or yearly? . . . _____ Please explain your reasons Do you think the rates under the new Ordinance No, 243 are f a i l as fer as your p a rticu la r business is concerned?___________ I f not, why What, i f any, are your suggestions fo r changes in the a ffa ir s o f the city govern­ment that would tend to reduce expenses? Do you think a stated amount should be co llected from each business, or that the amount should be a percentage o f the gross business? Do you think a l l s o lic it o r s or agents should have, or pay, a c it y license? ___ Do you pay any licen se other than a c it y license? I f so, to whom and in what amount Do you know o f any equitable means other than re a l or personal pi’operty tax or business licen se by which the c it y bould ra ise money? Do you favor a *0 ity Manager Plan* fo r Las Vegas? Remarks: