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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ^ WAR PRODUCTION BOARD General Salvage Office q275 So. Virginia St. Reno, Nevada IN REPLY REFER TO: May 22, 1943 Walter R. Bracken Union Pacific Railway Company Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Mr. Bracken* We have been advised through Washington that it will be impossible for them to continue sending us details on the volume of railroad scrap originating in the State of Nevada. Apparently a personnel reduction policy has resulted in a discontinuance of this service. We: are extremely anxious to obtain figures on Nevada, however, and wish that you would procure this information for us at monthly intervals. This can be done by your central office, merely by prorating the amount of scrap turned in during each thirty day period, i.e., crediting each State with a volume of scrap based on the mileage of rails in said State. During the past several months we have, found that the volume of railroad scrap has averaged around 1,500 tons per month,' (this volume includes the main lines - Southern Pacific, Union Pacific and Western Pacific), and we feel that this amount will probably persist during the coming summer months. I know that we have approached you on this matter during pre­vious periods, but feel that a renewed effort at this time is quite essential. Thanks very much for your help in this instance. Very truly yours,