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man000270. Sadie and Hampton George Papers, 1874-1944. MS-00434. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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Sep. 13rd 19001 Wmm Hon| Thiirfell i St-l*n g| "' i Oaraon oi t,y, Nevada. -1 -. lsj|\r -\o *;-v* CHr • _ , . ?' -r~ ' On boh a .l?? of Mr, Rnrwton F!. George, of thi'a apinty, I :aravmtlfn"|yoM j p ro V at ngatuatthe applloatton o f Perry h. Smith a o f t:v).-waters of fo ld CreeR* | ?, ' IjjJ H P t o me to he p a i. ear case o f the Protestant owning ,vw In prlvatOv owna^ghlp,, no the irate* -tees and. pihtcn on ??fi-f"'' f;f §?y no ee4?::desdpih©d- in the application and protest and owned oy Mr, George. Mr. '? poorge has had pr ai'irni ? y. auryeyg made \w1 th a view of o ^ g i ^ » f r ^ t l d i s p o s i n g of the water fo r -irrigation. •Trust that tn^ndidP?* thin p*oteat favorably , pa the awpxtoant to now a treapaaaeron pur ground and i h a r e eerwed. vhtfi with not(ioeitp;restore,,;at once or we w ill dr tug ejectment, iHfw plfdrge has hold this land £©* yea^o, and ’It .doea aeem in pe t|*} pioneer who. has dorefthe hardships in . order to a entire aoriething that mar hripg'ialji ? ad recompense later in en titled to any henifita that may accrue - from- hiellnyasifienfs. ' VeVAyi~ trr /u ly,• •: . <r>.-..- rv* y/ -// /4>/?-- -Mm Delamar, N evada, § ep P.P.n d 1D06 S t a t e E n g in e e r , Carson c i t y , Nevada. TO The Hon. Henry Thurtell, Comes now Hampton E . Oeorge , by E . R. f^cNaraee, h i e A t t o r n e y and -maKes . t h i s his-' p r o t e s t a g a in s t t h e a p p l i c a t i o n o r P e r r y L , Sm ith , o f Lae v.esjae, N evada, for. .p e rm is s io n -•.t q a p p r o p r la t e , any o f th e w a te r s o f c o l d Creek; in , s a id County o f L i n c o l n , a t i p o in t a t t h e c e n t e r o f th e N. f . 1 / 4 o f th e s . E* 1 / 4 o f Sec. 1 T . IS s , R. 55 E . o r e lse w h e re on s a id la n d s o r f o r any amount o f w a te r w h atsoever on th e fo j ih w ih v grpltridh. F i r s t . T h a t th e w a te r o f C o ld Creek i s not a .n a tu ra l.-!'w a te r Course o r n a t u r a l La ke, Second. T h a t t h e P r o t e s t a n t h e r e in Hampton E . c-eorge - i s t h e owner o f th e N. E . 1/4 o f th e S . E . 1./4 o f Sec. 1 T . 18 S. R. 55 E . M .H .B . V M. and t h a t a l l o f th e w a te rs o f C o ld Creek a re h e l d by s a id Hampton E . Oeorge i n p r i v a t e o w n e rsh ip i n t h a t a l l o f th e w a te rs o f c o ld Creek r i s e s and s in k s on th e la n d above d e s c r ib e d , and t h a t C o ld Creek e x i s t s i n name o n l y , and does not c o n s t i t u t e a n a t u r a l stream o r c h a n n e l o th e r t h a t what e x i s t s on th e la n d o f t h i s p r o t e c t a n t . Th a t i n o r ! ,ji* to n e c e s s a ry f o r s a id a p p lio to c o n s t r u c t a dam' , and o v e r and a c ro ss th e lands and w ould c o n s t i t u t e th e Third: a p p r o p r ia t e any o f s a id w a te r i t would be . ant t o e n t e r upon th e land o f t h i s P r o t e s t a n t to. convey s a id w a te r bv means o f a d i t c h o f p r o te s t a n d w it h o u t h i s consent o r p e rm is s io n a p n iic -a n t a tre s p a s s e r., Fourth. T h a t a l l o f th e w a te rs o f C o ld Creek r i s e s and s in k s on th e la n d o f t h i s p r o t e s t -a n t . and has f o r more t h a t tw e n ty y e a rs la s t p a s t and i s owned i n p r i v a t e o w n e rs h ip bv th e s a id H. E ‘. d e o rg e . L*. S m ith be d e n ie d . Wherefore your protectant Pravs that tlfe annllcation of Perry „ ; cr. <7 d m m m ? a r ~ 7 Delamar, Nevada, Sep. 22nd, 1906 State Engineer, Carson City, Nevada. Comes now Hampton E. George, by P. R. McNamee, his attorney, and makes this his protest against the application of Perry L. Smith of Las Vegas, Nevada, for permission to appropriate any of the waters of Cold Creek in said County of Lincoln, at a point at the centre of the N. E. 1 / 4 of the S. E. 1/4 of Sec. 1 T. 18 S», R. 55 E. or elsewhere on said lands, or for any amount of water whatsoever on the following grounds: To the Hon. Henry Thurtell, First. That the water of Cold Creek is not a natural water Course, or natural Lake. Second. That the Protestant herein, Hampton E. George, is the owner of the N. E. 1/4 of the S. E. 1/4 of Sec. 1, T. 18 S* f R. 55 E. M. B. & M. and that all of the waters of Cold Creek are held by said Hampton E. George in private ownership in that all of the waters of Cold Creek rises and sinks on the land above described, and that Cold Creek exists in name, and does not constitute a natural stream or channel other than what exists on the land of this protestant. Third. That in order to appropriate any of said water it would be necessary for said applicant to enter upon the land of this protestant to construct a dam, and to convey said water by means of a ditch over and accross the lands of protestant without his consent or permission, and would constitute the applicant a trespasser. Fourth. That all of the waters of Cold Creek rises and sinks on the land of this protestant, and has for more than twenty years last past, and is owned in private ownership by the said H. E. George. WHEREFORE your protestant prays that the application of Perry L. Smith be denied. F. R. M9 N A M EE A T T O R N E Y A T L A W D E L AM A R , N E V AD A . NOV. 12th, ' OG. Mr. Hampton 3D, George, 1290 Bellevue Ave, Lob Angeles, OAL. My Dear George, I am enclosing you a letter received this morning from W, S. Beal, Las Vegas, on behalf of Perry L. Smith, It seems to me that it would be a good idea for you to go out there and personally investigate this matter. You can return me the letter for my files, after noting the contents. With regards I remain. Yours very truly, £ L d jt t e w jL J lZ - ^ Z^ C rzzc std ljLc r-o d p U ^ iv \ # < m F. R . M ? N A M E E A T T O R N E Y A T L A W C A U E N T E N E V A D A Caliente, Aug. 2nd, ’07 Mr. Hampton E. George, 802 Kensington Road, Los Angeles, CAL. My Dear George, > Your letter of the 28th ult. envol os"'Jl ng copy of a letter from • Thurtell is received relative to Cold Creek. On Sept. 22nd ’06 I mailed the State Engineer a protest, a copy of which I herewith enclose you, and under date of Sept. 26th, Mr. Henry Thurtell, the State Engineer, ac- -knowledged in writing the'receipt of the protest, and stated that it would receive his earnest consideration. I mailed this letter to you and requested that you return it to me, which you did, and I have unearthed it from my files and have it here. I also enclose you a copy of a letter I have to-day sent the State Engineer. We have two years in which to commence suit from the date of the approval of the permit, and we can show the State Engineer, Smith and the whole earth if we want to, and I think that is what we had better do if we are desiring to hold any rights in this country. I will be glad to see you when I get down. Our phone No. is SUNSET - West 2306. I expect to be down in Los Angeles next week. Yours very truly, Mar. 20, 1907 Hon. Henry Thurtell, Carson City, Nevada My dear Sir* I have just been informed by the Hon. Levi Sypims that you have awarded the water rising on N.E. \ of S.E. S 1, I 18 R. 55 E, in Lincoln County, and known as Cold Creak , to one Percy L. Smith, of Las Vegas, Hev. Will you kindly send m© a copy of the proceedings? % Attorney, F. R. McHamee, had filed protest with you and I have heard nothing further about it. I bought this •*«»»* from the State in good faith and the field notfts show the spring located on my land. I also bought land on the Galley to use the water on,there, being no land near the spring that would pay to farm. I was forming a Company to flume the water to the Valley, also use it for power. Yours very truly Address: #802 Kensington Road Los Angeles, Calif %'3 sjkCopy) STATE OF NEVADA H I G I I E I H ' S O F F I C E Mr. Hampton E, George, Los Angeles, Cal. Carson City, lev. Apr. 9, 1907. Lear Sir:- Your letter of Mar. 30 th, is at hand. I note what you say concerning the land on which the water rises that has been appropriated hy Mr. Perry I. Smith, of Las Yegas, Hev. The application of Mr. Smith was made to this office on July 30th, 1906. It was advertised as directed hy' the Statute, in the Las Yegas Age, beginning on Aug. 4th, 1906, and ending Aug. 25th, 1906. I enclose with this a copy of the published notice. Ho protest was made to this office against such appropriation, by Mr. McHamee or by any other person. The water was absolutely unappropriated, there was some little dispute over the appropriation owing to the fact that a Mr. 0. T. White sought to appropriate this water and made application to this office, on July 9th. His application, however, did not properly^locate the spring and before he discovered his efror, Mr. Smith had made his application. It if not my idea that the water of a stream is appurtenent to the ground on which it rises. If that is the case, the water of the Muddy River is all appurtenent to five or six forty-acre tracts, a little above Moapa. Hearly every stream in this State rises in one or more springs. If it is assumed that the ownership of the land on which a stream rises, vests in its owner, the right to that water, then all the present theory concerning vested rights to the use of the water of a stream, is in error. This application was allowed on Hov. lOthljand up till the present time, no one has set up any claim whaftetrer to this water or to any part of it. " . \ |) ;| IYIIours very truly, (Signed) Henry Thurtell, F. R. M ? N A M E E A T T O R N E Y A T L A W D E L A M A R , N E V A D A . Sep. 38th 1906. Mr. Hampton B, George, 1390 Bellevue Los Angeles, Oal My dear George:— I am inclosing you a copy of letter original letter received from the state Engineer. Kindly If fbT* my files after reading* With Kindest regards to you and yours, I am, Very truly, or rather ?turn same (Copy) I O I I C E Of application for permission to appropriate the public waters of the State of Nevada. Notice is hereby given that on the 30th day of July, 1906, in accordance with section 23, chapter XLYI of the Statutes of 1905, one Percy L. Smith, of Las Vegas, County of Lincoln, and state of Nevada,made application to the State Engineer of Levada for permission to appropriate the phblic waters of the State of Nevada. Such appropriation is to be made from Cold Creek at a point at center of N.E. l/4 of S.E* l/4 of Section 1 T. lg^ g, R. 55 E by means of a dam and 7 cubic ft. per second is to be conveyed to points in Sec. 36 T 17, S. R. 55 E and in Sec. 31 T. 17 S. R. 56 E by means of a ditch, and there used for irrigation. The construction of said work shall begin before Nov. 1, 1906, and shall be completed on or before Nov. 1907. The water shall be actually applied to a beneficial use on or before Nov. 1, 1908. (Signed) Henry Thurtell, State Engineer. Si- |; I (Copy) I O T I C E Of application for permission to appropriate the public waters of the State of Nevada. Notice is hereby given that on the 30th day of July, 1906, in accordance with section 23, chapter XLVI of the Statutes of 1905, one Percy L. Smith, of Las Vegas, County of Lincoln, and state of Nevada,made application to the State Engineer of Nevada for permission to appropriate the pfcblic waters of the State of Nevada. Such appropriation is to be made from Cold Creek at a point at center of N.E. l/4 of S.E. l/4 of Section 1 T. 38, S. R. 55 E by means of a dam and 7 cubic ft. per second is to be conveyed to points in Sec. 36 T 17, S. R. 55 E and in Sec. 31 T. 17 S. R. 56 E by means of a ditch, and there used for irrigation. The construction of said work shall begin before Nov. 1, 1906, and shall be completed on or before Nov. 1907. The water shall be actually applied to a beneficial use on or before Nov. 1, 1908. (Signed) Henry Thurtell, State Engineer. O F F I C E R S F. C . L O N G E , P r e s id e n t W . J . H ALLER , V ic e - P r e s id e n t H . E. G E O R G E , T r e a s u r e r W . T . C A R T E R , S e c r e t a r y W . W . W IL S O N , D ir e c t o r M L datrn'H mining (Emitpamj ( in c o r p o r a t e d ) OFFICE 302 L A N K E R S H IM B U ILD IN G Ho m e 2269 T e l e p h o n e s Ho m e 3177 M a i n 2588 M IN E S IN M A R IP O S A C O U N T Y C A L IF O R N IA Los Angeles, Cal.,_ M \ M y iA . zd & C L. M ] ? ZA trze Jj\ | ~M7 ........ CM/C $ o $ . H f l l « S f g i II# ' m m I ( c£f* B p i p ^ ^ ^ U l [ P t & lj C TTsU^ I __ _ ^ ^ td X e ft TZsC f^ zi’J im t H H H X k -'^ io U sM ^ L ^ L K . *C £c & l 0% 7Z£sC r& d LcK _ 32^3^? : /y£-e- "J P ^ v U . 'M S S S 0 ^ 0 ^ '-$ 0 1 C i * * T & & U & 4 S ^ g m |<>f M J B Sfe* T < f 11 q . / ' [ / (/ .?•;*” f% . iffeSl «/y . ..»• . C/M ^ l "£<? -Z^-C & < s-% *u s-4 ^ !j*Ji ^ y j j ® !- # J 7 Z J f . -C rv tju a u a ^ M -< k W M . S 'M ^ z X iv ^ Wm ':„ b -+ < T v - f /?r ' b : ^ ' •AiXv , , ? ? $ „ , . . -a iZ^ uxA i i s f e p p ^ u >0^ ~Hac?-is - / n o * f " .y ' / *4% >CJ \ M q LzsC lsljJ <^M ?-aL4A4-£>/1 Hon. |Henry ' ?: J? - a t o Sag in eer, ;:^ ^ a ( l a . , • p ||f lf| ./* f| | | S | • Iio&r.Sip;-- ."I aia in ro c o ip t o f a le t t e r f^oia. Mr. H. ? ' f Lob Angelos, tl&i4&3^&ly»|2d$;l^ <s^'03.O0^3S &'•? Oopy; o f a l o i t e r . >3 oni .hifi by you A^il'--&£||r in rag& iho ap p lication u f Ferry'is. Si'riflfdIP'f' Las 7ogast Jfays&a, tfoy -a permit. fm? tno "^aiord o f $oMfC:pefek;, Kami the protest or H. tp- oaotfge in wbidh. y#?i ? your-’- Office &f;.ainst such appropriation oy itytioif. -any of ? :-? -perBoii. :.? In regard,to tbfs- I-d eaire to w!!,^ <|s^n®g®Lo t :^p.m%3® jand s n ^ fa n error as wo are d i lia b le |S vla. that i »dalJLed.i you u protest 013,; boba-Xf of M3?, deergo on 3opt if ;-8fn^|i a f &' f r sdpyfbf' Y?hi :fe'l borewii'n enclose you; -ao<i on Sept. %$%*i - 9$6 eybul&ekkbt^ l o dge is vMo poo of/oa^o, ivuiofr aoknovfiedsef 10‘it I Hava ay nr y^sfc* own, -'ai^: yo|t -t at si f 6 0 - y ^ ^ i s > Bt^Bntt:9^r':'-:W^^iBBf^0t^Q<iiiy^'^0^overlooKou th& m^§§fi.§ thereafter, fop . -tlio.. reason that T ui^^w roto Perry L. Hfoitb advising ffQi that 1 . protoo s:od, and M s attorney* M» s, Beal of Lao Vegas, ^ u ru l^ p fC ?:? -'j f*':' ":. f:; Jf-y -. A *?_." |tp§ StU SfpSl ' ?' ^"-- "''• -fy’.'y-M- llfl | 11 * •, -L;"-'. -daioooflitoy, 8fh||8||| |i| bad. not boon a d v i s e d o f any |protest .being f ile d 'tri-tii you. . If would fB aM you very jsuc’n i f you w u ld correct ; thief error by w r i t i n g t o Mr. 000rg& &t- SQB Kensington Hoad, Los Angolas, aobnovledg- ?». ing receipt - p f tbo pyotost in ^.oi’dor f bai I r«ay ap;opa^ itlgitt In isos, | II| I I .-—"f | ;fy'.f : | | fTO'U?® v'opy .t3nply,