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I agree.TtfON H A R F O f f i c e r s a n d d i r e c t o r s | O M A S L. C A M P B E L L P R E S ID E N T ^ R Y E. M I L L E R S E C Y .-T R E A S . W I L L I A M C O U L T H A R D J A M E S . C A S H M A N C . N O R M A N C O R N W A L L S . R. D U B R A V A C L A S V E G A S V A L L E Y W A T E R D I S T R I C T P. O. B O X 1 10 9 L A S V E G A S , N EV A D A T e l e p h o n e 5 9 2 0 W I L L I A M C . R E N S H A W C H I E F E N G IN E E R AND ' :• G E N E R A L M A N A G E R August 17, 1954 E. E B. AUG 271954 Mr, William Reinhardt, Vice President Las Vegas Land and Water Company 422 West Sixth Street Los Angeles 14, California Dear Mr, Reinhardtt Reference is made to the services of Mr, L, R* Maag, which you very kindly made available to the Las Vegas Valley Water District for a limited period, in accordance with your letter of July 1 , 1954 and Mr* Harry E. Miller1s letter of July 7, Mr, Maag has been of great assistance in enabling Mr, Eenshaw to become familiar with the properties and it is believed that his services can be dispensed with as of September 1, 1954, I would like to express the appreciation of the District to you for making Mr, Maag8s services available and to Mr, Maag for the invaluable assistance he has rendered. WCRjmjb «