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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    THOMAS A. CAMPBELL '^SIDENT SPENtS:? L. BUTTERFIELD VICE PRESIDENT WILLIAM COULTHARD SEC'Y-TREAS. HARRY E. MILLER E. OTTO UNDERHILL JAMES CASHMAN JOHN BUNCH OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS c:r. 3’-1953 LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 9?? SOUTH 5TH STREET LAS VEGAS, NEVADA TELEPHONE 5920 ,jammy $1# p- BOX 1448 ten Umkm tel tmoi is# <m4 Salt md im ¥w§m Imd md W*t*r €mipm.}?t Gmtimmm Attmtfom Mr* Wifi$a» 1 * tim im W#§m VMl»r Watar mmiM t « wnt Mmt&i mmmd md CsiidvHng. pmmmt tm tfcs ptmltiMm «f Chrn^m «b» tfdP Stand** «f N#v*«b m vmmdsd % >30 «f tfea i¥4f md m wmml@4 fey Owtptw W af tbs lf§t Stated «f fe«r*Mtar aMMfimw iAI "Starter* <fe®v Omn% «6* . im to |mtdwm W MnrpJ teats*! f« Ae City ®# t«* V«gas, NMfc* «• fe® t# lit* flftnitai # • Ites IgwiMtaff tdmmd imm tom wmm 4*t»4*¥t*m tte «•»* Jlffegi it### o p I# Ilf ftV* IwMlrMt w*s® (1099 «cm* £*#*4 «r tev* «f wmtm-femtlng tmd m teOMiO by #t*« pmtbm m 0m gtaft tM«4 i» j»Wfe «#te «M«nM fearfel** wM MdWt iff % 4«*rf .dmmmf f# 1190, 'mi • «*ff lnw*f# **~ fpftar with *11 *1 A# wf« ywAwtlMk «mI IscMIHm H§ fmyfgwwvMMttt *g§ tfc# ster#*® festering mm tmm«d wpm mM imi m whidfe maty fe# #!««4 0mmm by ym j$te ts* 0m #*4# ddm wklmt t» mrnnmmt mmkMvm* mmUkMm *f mpmpttotim, mdmmmdtemtftmmi* $$ All *f tht *mt-m md fight* m wMw riving ggM «* Itotlf fte« tfe# bwi d*~ I* fs| «bM«« Hmi **t«r by w«ib kmmi md «H mnMkmtm *i IwmO fey iMg* &ngiMMr #f ffe# ®t#t •# bhwwfeE t® mmg$ A# IsIfe'Mftf* §**«) Tfe* wetssf right rmarywi in ife# P«*el Inv® H*l«t J. Stssweart, # ssi. s «• W, A. Clarfe, ## If#*, md rmmdwk 'im $mk y «r M 6st@t© OnmvIi 4ft 3M, UmMn Cm**yf Irnmd*. Tfe#] mmlM will 0m dfeilgetlaa ?# iwdrk 0m wMm m 0m %immt HwM \ ffei# fMfflw&i mdm- mH 4%&d dtsIMfe i* mm fmMdmd pip® \ ii*£ti««g *py kmld pim yaw wmmdrdm ife -Zi Thgt cisrtific^# *1 ^!r®psriati®n fey ik& St*t« lngln*«r ef it ife# L^v A^»t#s ft Soft iafe* Ompmy md®? mUm id®. 7306, wfel^sh ©irfifet## li tmmrbi *« tomfe I «0 Y/*#«