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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, November 7, 1949 to May 21, 1952, lvc000007-101


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Haymon, Harold & Elnore 500 263.99 6 8 1725 Carson - City 1610 Renis , Michael & Jane Q. 500 299010 10 8 209 Spencer - City 1475 Long, Lawrence H. 500 298.80 11 8 213 Spencer - City 1475 Garren, Frank J. & G. M, 500 298.80 12 8 219 Spencer - City 1475 Provine, Joe F., Jr & B. J. 500 298.80 13 8 225 Spencer - City 1475 Leavitt, Irving & Mary E. 500 298.80 14 8 819 So 4th - City 1475 Conway , Hugh Joseph & Peggy 500 298.80 15 8 235 Spencer - City 1600 Digregorio, Louis J & A. C. 500 273.90 16 8 239 Spencer - City 1475 Harrah, William & Scherry 500 273.90 17 8 1051 So Virginia Street 1500 Reno, Nevada Presley, Samuel & M. L. 500 342.18 18 8 249 Spencer - City 1600 Deverell, Geo. A. & Patricia 500 425.59 19 8 1711 Lewis Avenue - City 1600 Atol, Elias J. & G. M. 500 309.06 23 10 1715 Lewis Avenue - City 1600 Brown, Francis G. & S. H. 500 457.36 24 10 407 Spencer - City 1500 Clark, Adeline E. 1375 678.59 1 10 1800 Fremont - City Wiley, Arthur C. & Ethel M. 1000 893.57 21,22 7 1720 Carson Ave - City 2980 Fletcher, Ray L. 500 204 Spencer - City 1500 338.65 20 7 Allen, Earl E. & Leola G. 500 250.05 19 7 210 Spencer - City 1500 Cannon, R. O., Jr. & Helen 500 298.80 18 7 214 Spencer Avenue - City 1500 Koehl, Charles A. 500 218 Spencer - City 1500 298.80 17 7 Robbins, Harry S, 500 298.80 16 7 224 Spencer - City 1515 Dawson, Martha A. 500 298.80 15 7 228 Spencer - City 1500 Hirsch, Martha J. 500 298.80 14 7 605½ South Garfield 1600 Pocatello, Idaho Quinn, Patrich & Mary McBride 500 202.80 13 7 238 Spencer Ave - City 1600 Leavitt, Wood & Zelma L, 500 202.80 11 7 c/o Allied Building Credit 1600 Dooley Bldg Salt Lake City 1, Utah Melio, Nacy E. 500 202.80 12 7 244 Spencer Avenue - City 1525 Ell Ingham, Robert H. & I. A. 500 298.80 10 7 Box 704 - City 1500 Geertsema, Richard H. & M. 600 298.80 9 7 258 Spencer - City 1875 Ahern, John P. & M. L. 500 298.80 8 7 400 Spencer - City 1500 Keener, John W. & A. F. 500 298.90 7 7 402 Spencer Ave - City 1500 Harris, Virginia 500 266.48 6 7 410 Spencer Ave - City 1500