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upr000170 121


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Ootober 80, 1040 Hr. Charles T. Baleley Solo, lew York Hy door Janet and Bill: S'has been aoae months since we haws heard anything froa you and were anxious to know Just how Janet Is eoalng along slnoo her fall and also wondering lf#a possible that you Intended spending part of this winter at your hone In Pain Springs, we would be delighted to know ir such la the oase and If possible to atop over with us for a day or so. wa would dries over to see you after being located in Pala springs. Please let us have a few lines froa you, and with slnosre lose to you both froa the Brackens, beg to rsaaln as sear, Yours eery truly. "OTTER K. BRACKI