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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las * 23-Ve1-ga1s3 8- February 10, 195** MPru.b liRcob Seerrt vAi.c eA lCloamnm,i ssChiaoinr man State Building Carson City, Nevada Dear Hr. Alien: from yIo aurm rfeitluer nGPiOn-g5 3h2e rceowvietrhi bngy rauetghiosrtietrye df moarl Tlh epordionrte l Noiacnheodl amse to provide water service In the Meadows Addition, Las Vegas, CertiIfi ncaottee yoofu Pru bolridce rC odnavteendi Aepnrciel a 2n8d, R1e9oWe-s,e lptryo vtiod eosp erfaotre a a wwaantdeerr isnegrv wlhoeet hIen rB HLro.o kNsl hoh,e l1a2s, h1a3s, Ioftfh. e1r5 c earntdi 1f6i,c ataensd cIo avme ring rseefrlveiccet etdo otnh aet btaaloahneode m aopf tohre Ibnl aonckys o Itnh eMre aardeoawss Aadddjiotiinoinn ga sM eadows wAdhdeint iyoonu. weIr ea mhe sreo,r rbyu tth aIft MIr d. iNdl onhoetl oash edooke st hihsa vnea otetretrl ffluorattheesr aoorveaesr landgj otihne ibnagl tahniose Aodfd itthieo nb,l oIck ws oIunl dt ahpe pMreeacdioawtse IAdfd yitoiuo wno uolrd In advise, giving a description of the areas oovered. Thank you.for your courtesy in loaning me the enclosed Yours very truly. LKKtlm