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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    February 9, 1942 Mr. C. B. Sexton C h a i r m a n Publio Service Commission of Nevada Carson City, Her. Dear Mr. Sexton: I have & received from Barous, Kindred Company, Chloago, 111., the "Study of Waterworks Charges" whioh you referred to in your reoent letter. This is not a book but merely some mimeographed sheets containing a rather brief compilation of waterworks charges in some 280 cities in the United States. The olties are grouped first as to those over 100,000 population, those between 26.000 and 100,000, those between 10,000 and 25,000, and those between 6,000 and 10,000 population. The groups show the oeneus of the respective cities, the number of users, the ratio of the population to the number of users, and then shows the minimum ohargee in the different olties, the charges per 3.000 gallons and the charges per 6,000 gallons. Unfortunately no Nevada olties are listed, nor are any olties listed where the ollmatlo situation might be considered as relatively similar to the Nevada olties. The list only oontains one olty in Arizona, namely, Flagstaff, and none In the relatively dry states. However, I think you might find it of considerable interest in view of the data as to the water charges for 3,000 and 6,000 gallons, respectively, and you may therefore desire to send for it. Incidentally, considering the number of gallons per $1.00 furnished by the LVL&W, I think