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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, February 17, 1937 to August 4, 1942, lvc000004-24


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    Attention: DIVISION OF INFORMATION SERVICE Report covering Official Project Number 165-4-5002, NW of City of Work Project Number 286, Located at Las Vegas Date Project Started Oct 23 1935, Date Completed Not. Average Number Persons Employed 48 for March Name of Sponsor City of Las Vegas. Statement giving in detail the Physical Accomplishments of the Project and the Economic and Social Value of the Project to the Community. During the month of March, 1937, No. 1 Pond was partially drained and one truck load of young fish was transplanted to Boulder Lake. We completed the pouring of 1250 ft. of footing and about 700 ft of wall on No. 3 Pond. Through the cooperation of the City, furnishing trucks, we graveled about one and one-half miles of roadway on this project. The foundation was poured for the caretaker's house and work will continue on this building until it is completed. We also hope to complete the wall on the No. 3 Pond during the month of April but at present are handicapped due to practically all of our WPA workers being on outside employment. Some excavation was carried on in No. 3 Pond, the dirt being used for the ramp and fill on the south wing, which is practically completed. We planted the cuttings of 1600 weeping willow trees on ponds No. 1 and 2 and part of the area on No. 3. These were of course planted thicker than necessary, as it was expected in that number of transplantings we would have quite a loss, but hope to get a good start on these threes this coming summer. From all indications there should be a large crop of young fish this coming summer for transplanting to Boulder Lake. This project is now in such shape that we can work either a large or small crew according to the WPA labor available. The value of this project will begin to show when the fish are being transplanted to Boulder Lake became large enough for fisherman to start catching them. At the present time there is no other source of supply for game fish in Boulder Lake. In addition, as the plant growth and shrubbery gets older it will make a valuable park area for the City of Las V gas. Signed C.J. Mackey Title Local Manager WPA 1. Make Separate Report for Each Project. Fill out completely. Omit no important detail. 3. Attach pictures showing progress and accomplishments 4. All reports for all projects must be mailed to State Office prior to July 15, 1936. CC Mrs. Viola Burns, City Clerk City of Las Vegas, Nevada Vote was Commissioners Down, Krause and Marble and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes, none. On motion of Commissioner Down seconded by Commissioners Krause it was moved and car­ried that C.D.Baker City Engineer prepare an amendatory application to the P.W.A. for addition street improvements adjoining the Las Vegas 1937 Street Improvement District No. 3. Vote was Commissioners Down, Krause and Marble and His Honor the Mayor voting Aye. Noes, none. No further business appear ng before the Board at this time the meeting recessed and adjourned until Thursday the 15th day of April at the hour of two thirty o'clock P.M. CALL OF SPECIAL MEETING TO— Viola Burns, City Clerk, City of Las Vegas, Nevada. A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas is hereby called to be held in the Board of Commissioners room in the City Clerk's office Wednesday the 14th, day of April at the hour of five o'clock P.M. on said day to consider and act upon the following business: 1. To meet with the Labor Council and Contractors and discuss wages and labor on Las Vegas 1937 Improvement District No. 3. Dated this 14th day of April, 1937. L.L. Arnett Mayor of the City of Las Vegas.