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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    (Eertiftratinn of (Eopp STATE OF N E V A D A ( ee C O U N T Y OF C L A R K ( **• I, PAU L C. O 'M ALLEY, the duly elected, qualified and acting Recorder of Clark County, in the State of Nevada, do hereby certify that the attached is a true, full and correct copy of the original Declaration and Establishment of Restrictive Covenants bv Ed. W. Clark. A. S. Cahlan. and A. C. Grant________ _______________________________ Rerinrdftd Dec 31.1941 in book 16 pages 200-1-2 of Miscl. now on file and of record in this office. IN W IT N E SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office, in Las Vegas, Nevada, t h is ______27th_______________ day of -------- July_____________ A.D. 19. 56 (SEAL) REC-11