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c Mr. Whit# - Pag# #2 Referring to th# above, the following comments art made in respect to each of the iitMf shown; 1. Xt will b# n o t e d t h a t o f th® 1 1 9 s a m p le s t a k e n on new lines constructed, 62 was show n p o s i t i v e and 5 ? negative. Son# of th# new lints c o n s t r u c t e d w e re u s e d u n t i l a n e g a t i v e s tra p !# was obtained and It would therefore seen that the total of theee 62 positive staples s h o u l d not b e considered as representing positive •ample# taken on a normal operating system and should be disregarded when s u m m a r is in g t h e t o t a l number of positive sample* for the period, 2. it will be noted that all of the samples taken from the U.P, Railroad Co., Depot were negative samples. These samples ere repreeentire ©f samples which might have been obtained from U.2. lards as referred to in your letter, since the water furnished the Depot is supplied from the same water mains which furnteh the U.JP. Railroad Co., lards and the water lines supplying th# Depot furnished all of the water which Is supplied to Interstate trains. 3. of the 23 samples taken from reservoirs and wells, only one sample was positive. This condition was immediately corrected through chlorination for a short period of time and the on* positive sample obtained was probably due to bad sampling technique. b. of the total of 2kZ samples taken In the normal operating system, only 13 were reported as positive, which is approximately 5jl£ of the total, which I believe it well within th# limits of th# Health Department requirements. When these positive samples were reported, it has been th# practice to consult with the local Health Department and if corrective action is necessary, we are governed by th* recommendations of that department. I might state that for two periods during the limits of time covered by this report, the entire system was chlorinated using approximately 0.5 parts per million concentration 1st th# water at the source. The two periods were from Ray 13, to June Sth$ and from September 26th, to October 15th. files® two periods of chlorination were recommended by Dr. Carr, 5* Of the ten samples taken at the so-called kiddle Spring, 5 were positive and $ were negative. The 5 positive samples .had no affect on the water system as a whole as none of the water .flowing from this Spring during th® period of positive sampling