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Date of f i r s t re ce ip t and f i l i n g in State Engineer's o ffic e . Mar. 29, 1924 Returned to applicant fo r co rre ctio n ___________________________-^Pr «— 3,—1924 Corrected a p p lica tion f i l e d _ _________________________*___________May 22,— 1924 Tile undersigned Nevada Dime & Rock Company________ _________________ Name o f applicant of Sloan_____! ________]_____ , County o f______ Clark_______________, State <vP Nevada________________|__________, hereby make s..a p p lica tion fo r perm ission to appropriate the p u blic waters of the State of Nevada, as. h erein a fter stated. ( I f applicant is a corporation , give date and place of in co rp o ra tio n .) ___ _____ Nevada,. 1.912---------------------------------------------- ------------- 1. The source of the proposed appropriation is Upper Cottonwood Spring Name o f stream, lake, or other source 2. The amount of water applied fo r i s _ ___ One________________ secon d -feet. One-second-foot equals 40 miners’ inches 3. The water to be used for___Mining, mi 11 i ug_and. dom estic______________ Irrigation, power, mining, manufacturing, domestic, or other use 4. The water is to be diverted from it s source at the follow in g p oin t: The Northwest quarter o f the northwest quarter o f S ection 7, Tp. Describe as being within a 40-acre subdivision o f public survey, or by course and distance to a section-corner. If on unsurveyed land, it should be so stated. 22 S. R. 59 E .. M.D.B. & M. And situ a te S. 25° E. 1200 fe e t from N.W. Cor. o f said Sectio n 7, IF THE WATEE IS TO BE USED FOE IEEIGATION, SUPPLY THE FOLLOWING INFOEMATION: (a) Number of acres to be irrig a te d i s _________, _____ ___________________:— (b) D escription of land to* be ir r ig a te d ---- ---------------- ------------------------- ~ . Describe by legal subdivision, or if on unsurveyed land it should be so stated and a description provided in accordance with special instruction from the State Engineer when application is returned for correction. Use o f water (c) ImarnigHtiitan w ill begin about January 1st______________ and end about Month Dfip.ftmhfip 31_____, of each year. Month IF WATEE IS TO BE USED FOE POWEE, MINING, TEANSPOETATION, OE OTHEE USE, SUPPLY THE FOLLOWING INFOEMATION: (d) Power to be developed i s ______________________ horsepower. (e) Works to be locatedwil l be lo ca te d In. the m j o f HWj o f S e c Give 40-acre subdivision on which works will be located, or locate by course and distance to a section-corner. 7, T> 22 S. R. 59 E. , M.D.B, & M. and pipe lin e w ill run d ir e c t from said p oin t to said R a ilroa d pipe lin e at a p oin t in the IBp o f SE-%- o f sa id S ection 7* ( f) Point of return of water to stream_____ Not to he returned.______ : ___ Describe in same manner as point o f diversion. (g) Bfimay'icR This water to he piped to L.A» & S«L« R»R. Company's____ p ip e lin e at Cottonwood Springs and from there through sa id p ip e lin e at Sloan_______________________________________________ 1______________________