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10 1 change the point o f diversion, m anner o f use, or place of, 2 use, twenty-five dollars ($ 2 5 ), which shall include the cost , 3 - of p erm it should the same issue thereunder, and the cost of 4 . publication of such application. 5 (c ) F o r issuing and recording perm itdo appropriate w ater 6 for irrigation purposes, ten cents: per. acre fo r each acre to 7 s be irrigated , up to and including one hundred acres,; and 8 five cents f o r each acre in' excess of one hundred acres, up 9 ' -to and including one thousand a cre s; 'and three cents for ;lf) _ | each acre in excess of one thousand acres. 11 (d ) F o r issuing and recording perm it fo r power purposes, 12 five cents fo r each theoretical.horsepow er to be developed ; 13 and fo r issuing final certificate under perm it fo r power pur- 14 poses, twenty-five cents! fo r /each theoretical horsepower' to 15 be developed up 1o and including 100 • horsepower, and 16 . tw enty centsrfor each horsepower in excess of 100 horsepower 17 up to and including 1,000 horsepower, and fifteen cents fo r 18 each horsepower in excess of 1,000. 19 (e). F o r issuing, and recording perm it to store water, 2 0 t w e n t y - f i v e d o l l a r s ( $ 2 5 ) , a n d f o r / i s s u i n g f i n a l c e r t i f i c a t e , 2 1 u n d e r p e r m i t t o s t o r e w a t e r , f i v e c e n t s f o r e a c h a c r e - f o o t o f 22 w ater stored^up. to arid including 1,000 a cre -fe e t; and three/ 23 . cents fo r each acre-foot in excess of 1,000. 24 ( f ) F o r issuing, and recording perm it to approp riate w ater 25 fo r any other purpose, S?10 fo r each second-foot of water 26 applied for, or fractio n thereof. 27 (g). F o r filing/secondary perm it under reservoir p e rm it;. 28 ‘ $ 5 ? fo r approving and recording perm it under reserv o ir. 29 y permit, $5. 30 (h ) F o r filing p ro o f of commencement o f work, $1. 31 • (i): F o r filing proof of completion o f work, $1. %. 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18/ 19 20 .21 22 23. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 k .( j) F o r-filin g any protest, affidavit,, or any 'other w ater-rig h t instrum ent or paper, $1. /-(k) F o r making' copy of an y document recorded or filed in 'h is office,, $1 for. the first hundred words, and 20 cents fo r each additional one hundred words or fractio n th ereo f; Where the amount exceeds $5, then only the actual cost in excess of that amount shall be charged. (l) F o r certifying to copies of documents, records, or maps, $1 fo r each Certificate. (m ) F o r blueprint copy of any draw ing or map, 15, cents per square foot. :? .(n) F o r such other work as m ay h e required of his office, actual cost of the . work. Se c . 7. T h at the above-entitled act be amended by in serting therein a new section to be known as section 7 5 1 immediately following section 75, i r e.,; section 7961 Nevada Compiled Laws 19.29, reading as follow s: Section 7 5 Whenever a decree determining avid adjudicating the iwlativje rights of the: claimants to the use of mater of a stream or stream system shall have been or may hereafter be. entered in the district court pursuant to the provisions of this act, and, said decree, shall have become final and, the:?state engineer shall have brought in that court any proceeding, either civil or of a criminal nature, concerning the adminisiration af and for the enforcement. of the provisions of said decree, and wherein the validity of the decree- or any of its provisions'shall be- drawn in question, by adversary parties and 4he decision or judgment of the said court is that the said decree or a paid thereof is invalid-and/ or void, the state engineer shall be deemed a party, in interest with the right to- take an appeal from such decision or judgment to the supreme court. Such appeal may be ----- 11-----