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Loa Am A h i~733* Nr. A. s. Stoddard - Ctaaha (2) do: VV.. H0.. PHaurlksilntse r l>. Hi Haag to Install at Companine.s eux.p anvseK, p ressure reducinCgo vmpaalnvye aiunt heoxriisttyiVengga 8s," wNaetveadra ,m aaitn aatn le?sttihm Sattreede cto asntd oCfh a$r3l,e*0s0t.o0n0 .Boulevard, Lea that portion or the City of Las Vegas lying easterly of the southern Nevada Power Company right-of-way, which extends southerly from Charleston Boulevard immediately east of 17th Street, and southerly of Charleston Boulevard which area includes Orsstwood, Eastwood, Bel Air, Bunnyelde and proposed Charleston Park Subdivisions, Is now being served through a single 8a water aain located on south aide of Charleston Boulevard. The above described area lies at an elevation substantially lower than the area westerly of the Southern Nevada Power Company's right-of-way and this difference in elevation, coupled with the fact that the entire area la served through a single existing 8* water main not equipped with means of controlling pressure, Is the cause of sxoesslvi pressure in the area described above and results in excessive maintenance due to leaks and is also the oause of numerous complaints of excessive pressure from homo owners. The installation of a pressure reducing valve in 8* water main at 17th btreat and Charleston will provide a mean's of controlling pressure to the entire area described above and will reduce maintenance costs and eliminate complaints from customers. The pressure setting of this pressure reducing valve at 17th Street and Charleston Boulevard will be coordinated with another similar valve whioh it is planned to install, at a later date, In the Oakey Boulevard water main whan It is extended easterly from 15th street in Oakey Boulevard.