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    Mar. Willis® Burke, free,, Clark femnif Humane Society P. 0. Box 1480 I*as Vegas, lev&da Saar Sirs This will soknowledge receipt of your letter May 10 enclosing oopy of one tinder the same date to Mr. Jeffers regarding the oil simp located in railroad yards| fhe oil sump is a necessary evil that exists* at moat dtvieion points on railroads using fuel oil in their loosestirest end is used to tako oars of sludge that can not he burned on the locoroGtivea. The Union Peelfie ha# a national reputation for its Interests in safety to its passengers.* employees and the public, and Si are very interested In eliminating every unsafe oondi- tion. The oil sump you refer to has always been fanned as long as 1 m u remember* although personal examination shortly after you reported this matter to me iadioated that someone had removed some of the barb wire strands from the fence enclosing this location. At any rate «# have repaired tbs fence end also installed a fine mesh additional fence to prevent any children or even email animals from getting Into the sump. May X take this opportunity to again thank you for calling this to my attention. Toure very truly* WAUT1H B. BRACIO